
I gotta say, this episode had everything I've ever loved about this series. I totally agree with this review (and that's saying something). Plus Corey Frackin' Stoll?! I couldn't be looking forward more to what that hook-up/relationship will look like. As a public middle school English teacher, the pure

Aw well, I guess you don't like Vince Gilligan's vision here. Fair enough.

I watched only the first two episodes of BB (I have my reasons! None of which will appease any of you.), but I love BCS. It is my favorite tv show currently (with Jessica Jones, Fargo, and Mr. Robot trailing not far behind), and I have to say, that not having seen BB probably makes me enjoy the series more than those

Oops, I'm new to adding comments, and I realize now that when I click the link, I don't get the whole thread. Looking at the order of these comments, mine seems completely out of left field, but I made it initially immediately after your "Imagine WFRR" comment.
*Apology for needless white knighting of a favorite film.*

As an attorney from Wisconsin, I think watching Making of a Murderer should be required viewing. Clearly, it's had quite the impact (and not just on me).

Wisconsin? Sorry but I'm still so enraged by Brendan Dassey's public defender that it's hard for me to hear anything about your state's "language for professional responsibility for lawyers". Oops, sorry to vent, obviously has nothing to do with you.

One of my top 10 favorite films. Please for the love of all that's awesome try to forget the image that will come to your mind from reading borednow's assessment!

I couldn't agree more on both counts. I've done two productions of Music Man, and even the hand gestures were so spot on that I giggled the whole way through.
As a *gasp* bisexual, this episode was extra special thrilling. It was done so well, and I was so so so grateful it wasn't the ol' "gay and he doesn't know it"

Birdemic? *Shudder*

Err, "fat Duplass" is Steve Zissis. I think it's more complicated than that. I think she doesn't have a clue what it means to truly love or be loved by someone, and it scares the shit out of her.

I found the reconciliation scene deeply moving on many levels. I thought it was truly surprising when he admitted his guilt to the mother. In fact, every scene with he and the mother moved me. I also ached at the knowing that Annalise's baby is not in her life (that we know of).
This review doesn't resonate with me

Not in my class. ;-)

*Blink* Wha?!!!!

I truly am not trying to be an ass, but perhaps you're not aware that using "regardless" still means exactly what you wanted to say. (Apologies, but I'm an English teacher.)

And yet, it feels like Survivor, of all the reality shows has had more winners across the ethnic spectrum than any other. Which is, frankly, something to be applauded.

Heaven help me if that is middle age! I'm a geriatric (49…just like *Shudder* Debbie).

Yes, I think he should be on Brawn, Alecia should be on Beauty, and Tai should be on Brains…but we shall see what happens.

I think you mean Cheddar "Bey" biscuits.

But Ice Cream Salesman was so ageist. Ugh. I mean, I want Debbie gone as soon as possible, but the 72 year old was clearly a hard worker, in shape, and able.