
It’s hilarious that you think “enjoying things differently” gives you the right to be a whiny asshole. I mean, just because you enjoy it doesn’t mean you have the right to impose on other people’s day.

Wow, no. Not the ones I ever met or heard of anyway- they get crazy about the games and themselves (and the player drama), but if they didn’t care enough to make the time to watch it live (or avoid the news/social media until they can) they don’t mind hearing the score before they watch. They certainly aren’t butt

Don’t confuse conservative with Republican. They haven’t been the same for a long time now.

You need another star.

So the internet should just pause until you have time? Seriously. Don’t go on social media till after you have seen it if you care that much, and maybe chill about spoilers no matter what side you are on- its way less of a big deal then haters make it out to be. I mean, sports fans never rage if they hear the final

Actually, I would argue that spoiler cannot have a fixed definition, because in order for them the be a “spoiler” they actually have to spoil something. I also think the definition is besides the point

Maybe video game adaptations were just never meant to be.

Wow. I knew he was a bad, stupid guy, but I never realized he should have a place on my “Most evil people I have every heard of” list. And that list is usually reserved for fictional characters.

I’d take 4 min 20 seconds

Silly Americans, thinking that the corporations would use higher profit margins to lower prices when they could just put it in their wall street pockets.

It does.

See, I never saw Arya becoming a faceless man. I don’t see her bowing to an authority, and the many faced god and the religious faceless men are, without a doubt, an authority. I think that once she fetters out the secrets she needs, she will forge her own path, as always.

Based on the evidence of the books, it seems very unlikely that Martin has or had this fate in store for Hodor.


See, my bet would have been that he kills people in the library.

You have formed your opinion under several important false impressions:

Are we allowed to hope Netflix will bring it back, or is that impossible?

I never realized how ineffective an owl villain is. As a kid, it was legit, but now I’m like AW! look at his puffed up chest! He thinks he’s big!

Garbage? Maybe the same way poutine is garbage food.