
Rob turned him into a Stark before the red wedding and named him his heir. Jon is the Warden of the North, and someone has got to know this.

I’m glad it played out the way it did- It was a very powerful moment for her without needing her dragons- it was her moment to remind everyone that Dragons don’t hatch for normal people.

• Tormund + Brienne needs to happen


And grilled zucchini and summer squash, dusted with fresh Parmesan!

Did this video have a point? Like, did it actually mention any issues? I was too distracted by the old footage- she looks so much like her daughter in some of them! All I actually heard was scandalgate scandalgate scandalgate POLITICIAN.

This is the saddest.

But this is an over simplification- not all people are going to process these shots, the emotions in the shots, at the same speed. What might be a necessary amount of time for an adult to process could be way to long for a teenager, or a shot that happens right after an action sequence might need to be faster, because

I don’t see why they need to keep raising the stakes in order to make good movies. I mean, its completely unsustainable. Stories don’t need to get more tragic/dangerous/deadly/crazy with every installment. If they do, you end up with Boo.

You forgot “Artisanal”

Right, but the suger and fat content has already knocked it off the list.

*without paying an arm and a leg

But would he have done it without her influence?

The building hit by the bomb was blocks away from the actual compound the terrorists hit, and as far as we know, the compound was actually warned and on high alert (This is speculation though, since we don’t know one way or another). As for the civilains, they would have had no way of knowing which building they

Wanda was illegally present in the US whether or not she left the compound (if she really didn’t have any Visa or special permissions, which was implied), and if someone felt like it, they could persecute Tony for human trafficking for bringing her in as well as extradite Wanda.

We certainly do disagree on the benefits or harms of living by your own conscience instead of a perceived collective, and that is perfectly fine. Wars have been fought over less understandable philosophical differences (I am not suggesting war ;-P)

You are ridiculous.

1) Peggy’s niece

Its not a plot hole- they didn’t kill him because he surrendered in front of witnesses and they would have had to open fire on Steve with bystanders near by in order to fulfill the kill of sight, so they captured him alive.

Bush era America is hardly analogous for Steve, if anything, its analogous to Tony. The reason Iraq was a mistake isn’t because we entered it for good reasons, its because we entered it for seemingly good reasons which were actually just excuses. And that was also a nation taking a quite contentious action, not and