
Because Wanda didn’t actually create Ultron, Tony did. See clown analogy.

When Peggy’s neice told Steve where to find Bucky, she told him the team had orders to shoot in sight, and then later when General Douche started yelling about Bucky’s escape, he said that if Steve hadn’t interfered, Bucky would have been dead in Berlin and none of it would have happened.

Why should he feel bad? He knows he did his best, and its not like he wanted to hurt those men- he did what had to be done to protect what he felt was right. That doesn’t mean he is an asshole, it means he is well adjusted.

... fair enough.

I think you’re reading too much of his self reliance as a sin (hubris) and not enough as integrity.

But how much worse off would the swat team have been if they had forced Bucky into a corner where he had to start killing people to escape? Not to mention, before he arrived and spoke with him Cap had no way of knowing Bucky wasn’t being mind controlled by some one who had him set to kill.

Out of curiosity, why does it bother you that cap trusts his own judgment more than others? Its not like he never listens to their counsel, he just always makes the final decision according to his own conscience. I mean, that’s what being a free, independent person is. That’s kind of the point. We can’t live by the

Wow, no, you’ve completely missed my meaning-

Giving someone a nightmare about clowns is not the same as forcing them to go on a clown murder spree.

Wow, no.

Tony is Tony but more humble

Character development isn’t always about personal growth, sometimes its a spiral into despair. So I guess what I was tying to say was, Tony is still the same person, for sure, but now he can no longer hide behind his old illusions about himself, and so he’s constructing new ones. Its fascinating to watch.

That’s not the point. A guided cage is still cage, and just because her master was benevolent then does not mean he would be benevolent in the future.

I guess it really depends on just how Tony viewed the betrayal. Everyone has their own ideas on what is an is not forgivable- we shall have to see if Tony really feels Steve’s silence on Bucky’s involvement, and how Tony actually feels about Bucky’s involvement (which, really, it wasn’t his fault) was the kind of

However, by contacting the authorities they would have been able to evacuate the building.

Vision has been nonsensical at best.

Tony and Natasha state there is room for negotiation of ammending the Accords somewhere down the line.

They’re not bros anymore, sure, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be friends in the same way that two people who break up a long standing relationship (or marriage) over insurmountable differences can still be friends. They don’t have to be chums to still be allies; there is a lot of history between them, and not all

And rather like ESB, it is the very best of the bunch.

Tony has become Steve, Steve has become Tony, and that kind of character development is so rich.