
As to the movie working really hard to make you like a guy who is, pretty objectively, terrible, and doing terrible awful unforgivable things, I actually think that’s a good thing.

One strategy for losing weight is to simply adopt the lifestyle that will maintain a healthy weight and wait. It will feel like dieting for many months, and then all of a sudden it won’t feel like dieting any more because your body will have changed.

After losing weight, there can be up to a year before your appetite and metabolism adjust to the new weight. If you maintain a weight for six months to a year, chances are you won’t need to restrict calories anymore- you will naturally crave the correct number of calories, and at that point you don’t restrict

It is magical for me! I consistantly lose weight untill I get to an optimal weight when I fast 18hrs a day. As far as difficulty, if it’s too hard it’s probably not for you, because its incredibly easy for many people.

I think it’s great. Its tight, Hardy’s performance is fantastic. Amazingly well acted, actually.

Agreed- It literally doesn’t matter that white women made up a significant portion of Trump voters. Saying shit like this changes no-ones mind and only serves to widen the polarized political gap.

Its so bad. Its also, unfortunately, not a movie. Its a series.

Now playing

I know its not pop, but I love me some metal scifi videos. Here’s one of my favorites (its a pair).

1) Lobsters are ass holes. Do not waste your pity on them.

Suicide Squad directly contradicted its own established rules. Bright at least doesn’t, and is clearly trying to keep it together in a way SS didn’t. Its much better than Suicide squad.

I really cannot agree with this review.


Stonewalling like that *is* a legitimate discipline technique. Poe was demoted, and he was trying to pretend he wasn’t. Holdo’s hands were kind of tied, and he only had to behave himself for like, 12 hours.

Really, Holdo’s only actual mistake was not taking a moment to deal with the poor moral on the ship. All we saw was her refusal to let seemingly anyone in on her plan (though, in retrospect, I’m not sure that’s true, it may just have been because all interactions with Holdo are framed from Poe’s perspective).

I actually think its the natural responce to Trump-et all bullshit. If he can just troll his way through things, maybe we all should. Let’s see how that goes.

I hope someday to be able to drink milk like a real Jedi.

Right, but nobody wants to be Hux or have his top position- they are there for the cause, but they follow *Hux* because no one else wants to be the first in line when the force users get mad.

Hux’s also consistently called a coward, but is he really? I mean, he talks back to Kylo Ren even though he knows he’s probably going to get choked and/or tossed into a bulkhead for it, and the way he faces Snoke after he’s had a major fuck up was pretty damn brave.

Maybe he didn’t get the message- we know some of the allies received it, but we don’t know which ones.

This movie is like the Yoda of star wars movies: super weird and trolly on the surface, but woke and deep AF once you spend some time with it.