
That makes it alright then.

To imply that the explosion was somehow her fault is nonsense. She did not bring the bomb into the country and she did not press the detonator- she merely failed to save everyone from it, and instead only saved some of the people from it (the hundreds of people on the street).

Exactly, so that’s more proof that our heroes need some sort of oversight.

Right, but then he said he was totes cool with imprisoning Wanda “for her own good”.

The most impressive part is that they didn’t even really throw out the whole “safety vs freedom” argument, it just becomes a smaller, more personal discussion- Does the government (UN in this case) have the right to sacrifice the Avenger’s right to act as individuals in order to make the world feel safer, or, do they

Actually, we know Wanda said she isn’t signing, albeit via Black Widow.

Except that we never heard of charges potentially being filed. The media often says things that have no bearing on reality, and so is not a reliable source. Not to mention, she is neither a US citizen nor a Wakandan citizen, which complicates things, but either way, since she had not been arrested and was not in

No, that was later in the movie- after the bombing. The accords were signed earlier on the day of the bombing, and initially Cap was all set (though sadly) to hang up his shield and retire. After he found out about the kill order for Bucky, he went to save him, and it was after he rescued Bucky that Cap was

That’s not actually true- she was under house arrest for not a crime. Its not like she was there pending and investigation, she was there purely because she refused to sign the accords.

The difference being, the sentient thermonuclear device read all of human history and learned how to be from that- in that respect, some of the blame is definitely on the creators hands, but some is actually on humanity as a whole. Nihilism is not a fringe philosophy (well, not entirely), and Ultron was just alien

To be fair, these guys are coming off of Civil War, which is a tough act to follow.

which was a problem because apparently that was too harsh a punishment for someone who’d accidentally killed innocent people

As if Hydra isn’t still on the committee.

Well, I did say somewhat ;-p,

Sorry for the second reply, but this is kind of a separate issue.

Not to mention this is a world decision, not simply the US saying “Sign up or retire!”

I wanna, but I’m afraid of whatever horrible gasses this reaction (possibly) releases.

Oh dear.

There are literally too many best parts to this movie.

Nah. I think its fine no one died. I mean, Quicksilver’s death was SO GODDAMN STUPID, I’m glad we get a break from death for the sake of death.