
“The brothers really wanted to put it in there,” said McFeely. “We get a little queasy about referencing other movies. They don’t, and they were right.”

This is like, the best news I’ve heard in a long while.

I definitely wasn’t intending it to be a blast- just a thematically appropriate hurrah-

And that he was wrong to not tell him, too boot.

Nice use of a line you heard on Spiderman.

Just because the world is fictional does not mean the themes aren’t worth discussing, especially considering how relevant those themes are to our world today.

Your missing the point entirely. Steve didn’t refuse to sign because he was against the very concept of oversight, it was the fascist nature of Sokovian Accords (and the three days or else timeline) that left him unable to sign.

No one pretends (or should pretend) that Captain America is innocent. He’s the least innocent person on the Team- he lived through WWII and woke up with everyone he’s ever known dead except for the love of his life, who was dying and his best friend, who has been raped into an evil super weapon by his enemies. You

A choice where the only options are Become the Tool of the Government or Never Use Your Powers Again under penalty of imprisonment is not a choice at all, especially for someone like Steve Rodgers.

The final call about where he uses his powers and skills is his. That’s what it means to be free.

The problem was that that’s not what the Accords were for- they weren’t a “You have to ask to come into our countries” it was a “You are only always to go where we say, and you always have to go where we say”

To be fair, whenever Tony is on screen in any movie the scene becomes about his personal issues. He’s Tony Stark.

This is definitely true, but I think there is another, deeper theme- Responsibility and Guilt.

Its not like Cap had much choice- he was flat out told that his best friend was going to be taken down without due process and he had no say in the matter. If that’s not a fight against fascism, I don’t know what is. Its not like the Nazi soldiers weren’t also just doing their job- that’s just the nature of war.

But that’s not true- He wasn’t against trying to negotiate with them- he never was given the chance! His options were “Sign all your rights away in three goddamn days or else you’re sidelined”

But, to be fair, he had information that they initially refused to listen too, and then that he you know, (this part was clearly a mistake) didn’t share with them because he didn’t believe they would listen to them.

But Cap was 100% wrong.

I disagree that Steve is actually any different from when he began- He still wants to do what he things is right, and he still takes full responsibility for the choices he makes and their repercussions.

Honestly, I’m incredibly disappointed that we haven’t had a John Snow is dead, I am John Stark moment. The pieces are all there, and John Snow really is dead, and he actually hasn’t broken any oaths.

I really liked Andrew Garfield and I still wish he hadn’t been replaced, but yeah, if they had to get a new one, I’m glad they hit it out of the park.