
I was so excited when I heard Rickon was comming back.

Oy, that’s horrible. Let me know who you want me to to yell at- single parents (for any reason) have enough on their plate without having to deal with bigoted assholes.

I’m constantly frustrated by the arguments about ethics and embryonic research (and abortion, by extension). I mean, there is no way to have a rational argument about it, unless you’re willing to admit that the ethics are arbitrary.

Especially after we started decomposing.

They’re certainly no uglier than any other kind of rock fish

That’s not really a fair depiction of a blob fish- it doesn’t do well in low pressure

Ugg. Am I the only one who wishes they would let Interview stand as is and just skip to making The Vampire Lestat?

Oy, baby carrots have less calories than broccoli! The higher sugar content is offset by the higher fiber and water content.

Dairy can be a high protein and nutrient rich food as long as you use the following common sense approaches

No! >:(

Its not that the relationship is unreasonable, its that we never had any indication that it formed.

I totally agree about Davos’s roll at the wall. I mean, Jon’s awesome and all, but Davos... has had so little interaction with him. I mean, yeah, Stannis killing his daughter (whom Davos was very fond of) must have been the worst thing ever for him leaving a hole that Jon could fill, but the way he acted felt more

I am so ready for Bran to see Lyanna Stark Targyrian to give birth to Reagar Targyrian’s son John.

Me too. I tried to make my sister read it with me because I was freaking out, but she wouldn’t and just read a synopsis.

ARG! Why did I fall for this trick! Don’t pretend, you just wanted others to suffer through having this awful song stuck in your head.

Every time I think about sleep hacking (right now it looks like I need 9-10 hours of sleep to be a happy me, though not all at once, 3 3-hour sleeps is what feels right), my inner vanity demon just starts wailing “IF YOU DO NOT SLEEP ENOUGH YOU WILL GET OLD AF” and I start wondering when I might have time to sneak in

I live for when eyepatch Morty shows up again.

I hated this movie when I first saw it, so my gut response is to say, naw, its just a bad movie.

I am super impressed. I want all costumes to be this well made.

This is a good comment.