
That is still an acceptable amount of invisible. Want.

I... I don’t feel the least bit bad for that guy. I mean, the driver could have tapped the breaks for any reason at all! (I know that is unlikely it was not break checking, but even so. It could have been anything.)

Aw, thank you!

Actually, the only solution that might actually be safe is to have two independent groups of super people, like, a group of avengers under Steve, and another under... Shit. I trust no one else. Nick Fury maybe?

One of my biggest complaints about the MCU is just how cartoonishly unreasonable the villains are when compared to the heroes. Even Loki, who is definitely the most interesting, is pretty flat in the Avengers movie, relying on his characterization from the Thor movies (and Hiddleston’s fantastic acting) where he is

I am so ready for Tony Stark to be a villian. SO READY

You’re wrong about Terminator- probably the same thing would have happened if they went for her as a baby. I mean “Why didn’t they just kill John Connor as a baby” is the same question, and they answer was they just went for his mom before he was even born. There is literally no place to kill someone where Kyle

You win.

I love my standard.

But its better than coal, at least.

I think the Kushiel series would make extremely wonderful television, but it would have to be HBO or similar, for obvious reasons.

RIP John Snow. Long live John Stark, the King in the North!

My guess is the pyre, and the “he’s gone” is for Stannis. Stannis, I am convinced, is really dead.

Poe Dameron maps to Luke. This supports my theory that he must be force sensitive, because no one could be that good of a pilot without the enhanced reflexes of force perception.

Careful guys

I wish the entire Republican nominee list (former included) didn’t scream 80s cartoon villain at every turn.

Well, hopefully the private sector can make up the slack. Maybe.

This is both awesome and terrifying. You would still need computer controls to make the drone go where its supposed to, but to also insert animal brains... I am unable to analyze how this makes me feel.

But, but, Loras is pretty.

He’s not the candidate the republicans need, he’s the candidate they deserve.