
This is what has been mising from my life.

Not that I disagree with the notion (Black Lives Matter is important), this specific comic bothers me. When a house is beyond saving, you put water on the next over downwind house so that it won’t burn down too.

“Black Lives Matter” specifically calls attention to the plight of black people in out justice system. if it bothers you so much, say “Black Lives Matter too”, so that the implication that all the other lives already matter is spelled out.

Actually, if you educate people and provide universal easy access to birth control, everyone has fewer babies and populations stabilize.

Honestly, this is one of the biggest reasons I don’t mind (and participate in myself) the buy local and organic trend. Not because its actually healthier or whatever (although organic meat probably is) but because it increases the number of small farms and supports an industry that treats farm workers like humans and

That was incomprehensible. Best guess at what you were trying to say:

I always thought it was kind of meh, personally. Not bad, but definitely not super powerful.

Poachers and hunters should never be lumped together.

There is some gore, but its definitely not a slasher movie, most of what you see is mostly off screen (like, faces get splattered or corpses are shown afterwards, but the actual act is not shown), and there’s no needles or torture. I was kind of underwhelmed by the violence and gore, to be honest, but I saw Deadpool

Have you seen Rick and Morty? You should see Rick and Morty.

The movie was not nearly as scary as I was expecting based on the hype, but it was creepy, and there were a few moments that were shockingly so.

But the longer they live, the more likly you can sell them snake oil supplements and cold remedies and imunity boosting antioxident creams (this is what people buy at the pharmacy, right?)

So. Now what do I say to new agey people who talk about the “vibrations” of things, connecting us all? I can no longer scoff as if there is no such thing in good conscience.

How does this discovery effect the narrative of the inflation period of the big bang?

So, this is perhaps a tangental question, but here goes:

Ever since I was little and I learned to cook Rice-A-Roni (which was about at my eight year old skill levels), I thought rice was supposed to be toasted first. I always toast my risottos this way, and I never could get behind rice cookers because it made boring rice.

That was one of the best things, everTM

Reading about the engineers who knew about the o-ring was heartbreaking- they tried to stop the launch, and they still have to live with guilt when they were shut down.

I want a planet with thick, old trees on top (maybe the sun is a little too bright for humans, but the tree canopy makes the planet’s surface dim and habitable) and lake pocketed caverns with glowing mushrooms and cave fish eating the tree roots below, maybe with a few ice covered volcanoes at the poles.

I... I kinda like it 0_0