
I will never give up the ship!!! Besides, if anything, the OT plot point would allow for that- Poe would be first going for Rey (like Leia and Luke and “the kiss”) but then ultimately end up with the pilot (Poe=Han, except, like, not really. They are nothing alike. )

On second viewing, I think maybe its more perfect than it gets credit for. Just saying.

You know, I was always rather in to the universe, but I never felt like I connected with the original trilogy the way that “hard core” fans always seemed to.

It really can’t, though, if you think about it. I mean, really. Who on earth would buy that Ren is Rey’s father? or Snoke? No. Just, no.

Right? Like, there was no way they could have blow up star killer base if they hadn’t had inside help, and a lot of it. And not just Finn, but Captain Phasma.

Honestly, I think I still need to watch like, five more times before I can actually form a cohesive opinion other than !!!!!!!!!!!

I agree 100%. Moreover, on second viewing, I noticed that a few things I thought were contrived or plot hole-y actually were not. Like- Poe explicitly says he woke up in the dark, meaning by the time he woke up, Finn, Rey and BB8 had already fled the planet, and Poe had no choice but to just go an make his report.

Yeah, Ben made way more sense for Luke’s son.

See, that was one of the things that I liked about the movie the most. Honestly? It was inevitable.


I think it was a perfectly natural responce to Rey, who watched Han die and had just gone through an absurdly harrowing experience, being hugged by Leia, who shared her greif and then some, and who understood what Ren was feeling. You don’t need to be related to someone to connect with them.

She also saw the future, don’t forget- there were flashes of her showdown with Ren

As far as I understand it, it was not about the fact of the rape itself, but it was the writers decision to show it- at this point, we knew it was going to happen, and that it was happening. We definitely didn’t need to see it, and we definetly didn’t need it to feel like the writers were trying to sensationalize it.

I’m a 20 something millennial. I did tell myself that, as an eight year old. And its awesome.

People who don’t remember there still are- sadly delusional.


The tag line for this really should be “Ban Cars in Urban Environments”, and then make emission standards extremely tight on all forms of transportation.

Personally, I categorize things like this differently from convention, because “lie” is too specific for all of the things that get called lies.

You’re right to a point, but here’s the thing about giving, and good will- those are things you need to believe in. That was the point of the quote from the Hogfather- that belief isn’t only about gods and the universe, it everything.

Its been a journey coming to terms with religion and those who practice it in the face of my own atheism (and enjoyment of occult things without a religious (or even “serious”) connotation. I know. Risky of me.). I expect it will continue to be a journey so long as there are people who believe things.