
I dunno, there was the year my parents finally got me a gameboy (I was probably 11), and I was so happy and excited when I unwrapped it that I ran around the room and jumped on... everything (I was not expecting it, I had been borrowing a gameboy from my babysitter’s brother but I had to give it back when we didn’t

I bet you get upset about “Holiday Trees”

Fair enough. I rescind.

1) The evidence may have been there, but we didn’t have it all. -100 points for being pedantic.

Natural disasters are not pollution.

You would have to directly compair all female to all male talking time. I expect it would still be terrible, but if you go with “male dialonge not Han, Luke, Lando, Vader, Emperor.... wow. nevermind. Just that list makes it depressing.

I don’t know why this is jumping out at me right now, but the consistency of the color palate of the original trilogy is impressive. Everything, from the clothing to sets, nearly every frame in the movie, is in shades of sepia, black, white, and some very dark blue. It makes the brilliant colors of the light sabers

Don’t worry, I’m not.

I think you’re mistaking “cheesy” CGI for excellent CGI and “signifying nothing” as an artistic interpretation of the journey from institutional oppression to self actualization.

Well, since there is no good evidence supporting the conclusion that saturated fats are bad, and some good evidence (though, not really enough) that trans-bearing processed oils are bad, I’d say chances are good that butter is better.

I feel like the cartoon is the actual prequel, and the movies are this sort of bad film adaptation of them- some cool scenes, but generally poor.

Based on the anecdotal evidence which I’ve observed just now, but which I’m certain must hold universally true, Twitter is simply too cruel and too violent for men.

Thats because most people eat cake for breakfast. The cake eaters all make fun of the bacon eaters for being unhealthy while they turn their perfectly healthy oatmeal into cake.

Nonesense! There is nothing wrong with likeing green bean cassarole, its probably one of the more healthy things in the standard thanksgiving fair (which isn’t really saying much, I know)

Here here!

That was a great video.

I think you mean baby boomers.

The problem is the way we teach, and how we evaluate progress in education. We spend more time teaching kids to perform on a test and less on how to actually think. In the age of the internet, fact recall is becomming more and more unimportant, while critical thinking and problem solving skills are more and more

You’re allergic to pointy things, aren’t you? Otherwise, I have no rational explanation as to how you could have missed the point so thoroughly.

Don’t think of them as a separete entity, think of them as another organ. You were born with these inside you, and you would be dead without them.