
I’m so excited for this stupid movie.

I frustrate any children I am watching to no end whenever a nerf gun is involved, because sometimes I just sit down and stare at the gun and wonder at its perfection, while attempting to explain why the toy is wondrous is in six year old terms.

At first, I was going to give you a star because I thought you were a masterfully subtle troll. Then I decided you were probably serious and I was :-(

Well, you could just use the money spent on firefighting to “buy” the homes for their aproximate value and then the folks could relocate to greener pastures, as it were.

I want this and I am happy it is comming.

That was due mostly to infant deaths (kids under 5 dying of all the things). Most historians agree that once you lived to be an adult, your chance of living to be old were quite good (in the absence of war).

Because they can watch the kids while the younger adults procure food.

Well, wait a sec, what if BB-8 identifies as a “she” or “he” or “it”? Can’t we respect “it’s/his/her” choices/identity? I mean, if it/he/she is sentient, that is.

I am basing that on the books. The Divergent series is bad, trashy fiction, but by the thrid book I was enjoying myself to the point where I had to read it when I was home alone or I had to explain every 10 minuets what I was so excited about. The hunger games was the oposit, and I barely made it through the last book.

Divergent is like the nega-Hunger Games. The Hunger games is a story about a cool heroine who slowly breaks and becomes a puppet, and the plot gets dumber, contrived and less engaging, whereas divergent starts off uninspired and contrived with a whiny girl protagonist, and turns into something ridiculously

She might be the most authentic of all then, since Egypt was generally a very mixed-race culture because of their location and abundance of trading partners.

Well, I mean, they’re both roundish fruit.

I hate all of these buildings. They look like building carcasses. There are many very beautiful buildings in Boston, as well as lovely green spaces.

Oh, check yourself, you may do rice right, but you’re doing pasta wrong. Aside from flavored pastas (like tomato, spinach, basil, or squid ink) a fresh homemade pasta with rich eggy flavors are also delicious with a pat of butter, a pinch of salt, and a dash of parmesian. That doesn’t even begin to cover the richness

We might be better off if it hit earth than the moon, depending on how much damage it could do to the much smaller moon. The moon is super important.

Why are there two vampires in the mix? Space and vampires are tough to mix correctly.

Well, even though I am certain he is actually a Targaryen, and resonably sure he is a legitimate one (L and R got secretly married), I cannot fathom a way for Jon to figure that out, whereas Rob legitimized him as a Stark before he died, giving him the legal justification to take the name Stark (which he also is, I

Well, you figure out why she doesn’t want to leave the seat. If she is non-responsive to reasonable efforts to communicate (and no, a threatening demand is not reasonable), yeah, wait it out. Eventually she will communicate unless she is severely ill in some way (mentally or otherwise) and if she is ill, you call an

The point is, there is no provocation that would justify the assault on the girl. None.

Its more than the death thing- he also entered the nights watch as Jon Snow. If he is reborn as John Stark, he is doubly free from his oath.