
I know I shouldn’t be surprized that diet effect the flavor of meat, since soil conditions effect the flavor of vegetables and fruits, and health is a complicated thing, but I am.

Eh, her world building was lazy and full of holes, as were the plots; her flair for style and relateable characters is what made the books take off.

Except that, because there are lots of molecules involved, there will almost always be trans fats present in hydroginated oil in some amount, and the science involving trans fats indicates that it doen’t take much before it starts doing damage.

Well, the in charge people were also the ones who rebelled, being a memeber of society just meant that you were essentially a member of the privileged class, as opposed to being an aberration or whatever. A large chunk of the “rebels” were just society with a slightly different approach.

To be fair, high school was that great, for him.

Oooh, I like this. I was reading about the Higgs Bosons vs Higgs and fields and waves vs particles and contemplating what it means for something to “exist” and I ended up catorgirzing things as Exist/does-not-exist pairs, and “maythings” that neither exist nor don’t exist. So like, in order for stuff to exist, there

I really wish primary school would teach you more about how to teach yourself in the US. Basic concepts could easily be taught in a few years (maybe high school) if everyone wanted to learn, and knew how to do it well. Elementary school should be used to instill wonder and to teach different ways of thinking and

Gah, if your gunna spend this much, get a Roomba.

Sometimes, I kind of wonder if I already am.

I maintain to this day that the Prince of Persia movie was great. It was great.

The real reason this will never happen is that too many people rely on their cars to get around. In a city, sure, getting around without a car is easy, but one you break out into the suburbs and the country it becomes essential to have a car to function. And before you start screeching about public transportation,

“You’ll never believe THIS”

Why does every space ice rock look like a rubber ducky?

But even they have usually been exposed to some kind of language.

I love all rays, especially giant sting rays. I didn’t know about them before I saw them diving in the bahamas, and it made my life.

... I miss the snow.

That’s what the conversation could have been, but it just wasn’t. It was very very poorly executed, because it was poorly written.

Touche on Inara, and on firefly in general, which sort of breaks the mold for Joss and is far and away his best work, but it doesn’t excuse the parade of fundimentally weak female characters. I’m suprised you didn’t meantion Zoe, who is definitely the most uniquely powerful woman he has ever written (although, even

I’m not sure that makes it better... it might, but I’m not sure.

I’ve begun thinking of Whedon’s partocular psudo-feminism as its own special type of sexism. Its great that he doesn’t treat women as background characters and gives them a spotlight, but they are all fundamentally the same, and they’re all fairly weak characters aside from the ass kicking (which can be rather...