
Its not about the subject, its the execution. Like, it would have been fine to reveal that she can’t have children and she’s a bit messed up about it, but the fact that she feels that not being able to have babies makes her a monster, monstrous enough that she can equate it to the monstrousness of the freaking Hulk.

Linguistics is probably the most abused and ignored science that really ought to be taught universally. I’m an engineer, but I took a linguistics class on a whim and it blew my mind. It was the most intuitive class I have ever taken (and not because it was dumbed down), and it made me realize just how much of a

Batman vs Superman: Passion of the Superhero

Wait, am I missing something? I didn’t see anything specifying only English papers.

Whoa now, I was sort of with you up until the linguistics. Linguistics, and psychology, are not on the same level as philosphy and economy (and its not really okay to knock those either, none of the softer sciences are unimportant, though I’m willing to give you that the “hard” sciences are definitely more tangible

Alot of those flavor and electrical problems are not necessarily insurmountable, and you can actually grow food indoors in soil, and there are varieties of plants that can be grown hydroponicly with tons of flavor (I’ve had an aerogarden for years, and the tomatoes that I get from that can be better, the same or

The animals seem unruffled by what were presumed inhospitable temperatures and acidity

This article is the best. :-)

I had a professor use a reverse curve. Like, the avage was a B, so he adjusted the curve down so it would be a C.

Reading through the comments, I am fasinated by all the reasonsing. Its like viewing a spectrum of people who either favor a sense of “community” with their hypothetical fellow students, or people who favor a sense of ruthless competitiveness with them.

Or that humans think of themselvs as quasi individual, quisi part of a group, and are rational for a being in that sort-of superposition.

See, I’d be the oposite- if I felt like I was going to do really well, or at least about as well as everyone else, I would go for 2 points, but if I was struggling and desperate to pass I would try for 6.

Actually, we’re talking about the over production of milk by dairy farms, milk that could be sold for drinking or for cheese production, or butter, or yogurt, or... literally anything dairy related.

Some people can drink it just fine. Also, cheese. Cheese is the best. Also, yogurt, definetly good for you.

Those blooms are good- blooms like those are the reason whales migrate north in the summer, and they are a natural part of the ocean’s seasonal cycles. Also, they glow in the dark. Not all algee blooms are bad or unnatural, and the bad ones tend to be close to shore where the polutants enter the sea (generally sewage)

I think revolutions were equally common in history, but were more commonly called “regeme changes” or “collapses”- As a matter of fact, one could argue that the American revolution began the collaps of the british empire, and subsiquenctly facilitated the collaps of the european colonial age.

Who hit a bald eagle on the fourth of July? How did they die afterwards?

In the cat’s defense (yes, I own cats, but they live inside) we did domesticate them to kill vermin, and in an already heavily urbanized environment they do provide an important form of pest control that is significantly better than poison.

The new england aquarium in boston has um too.

Ucky, no, the only stomach I’m going to eat are in bivalve shellfish