
Having seen them in the ocean myself, their fins do look a bit like shark fins from afar. You know, if the shark was very drunk.

I was out on my dads boat and one of these lumbered near by us. We got to swim with it before it lumbered away.

Supernatural. I was SO into it for the first season, then struggled through the second and then fell back into it with the third and fourth and then... I just, couldn’t... care anymore.

I would think Dredd would be a better contrast to Star Trek

I’m... a little grossed out now to realize that a few of my dipers of still around. (Only a few, my mom used cloth diapers despite it being the late 80s, and I have never been more grateful)

Its probably real- I live south of Boston and that’s what the clouds looked like last night at sunset as a storm front moved out to sea.

I only recently discovered the Ranger’s Apprentice Series, which sounds similar. I was constantly impressed with their quality, and was pleasantly surprised that he didn’t stay 14 forever. I’ll have to check these out.

Cassia is definitely the one that comes to mind with me, mostly because she shows resourcefulness and maturity to an impressive extent without needing the adults to look like neglectful imbeciles (like in so many other YA novels)

I imagine that in a few hundred years land fills will become mines.

I didn’t say I wasn’t complaining about the things the show left in, I’m just saying that the books are just, so much worse than the show. The show is accomplishing one thing though- visual arts can’t get away with it as easily as prose, and now both the books and the show are being called out.

Eh, I’m not complaining the show left out a 40 year old man manipulating a sixteen year old into a sexual relationship (oh, wait, isnt she 14 in the books?) Yeah.

He’s dead for now, but Melisandre will resurrect him and he will take the name Jon Stark and he will lead the wildlings and smoosh the boltons and then ride dragons with Dany and burn all the whites to ash.

Just because RJ was worse doesn’t mean GRRM was good.


It seems to me that the medea only wants us to have one of two opinions:

real wasabi is technically a type of horseradish anyway.

Unless Stannis is dead.

Option 3 makes alot more sense if we assume hat Stannis fails in his gambit against Winterfell, or, succeeds, but is mortally wounded in the process.

Take away: what a fantastic year for sci-fi

Yup, confirmed. It was in the after interview thingy.