
Except for New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio. They are apparently just assholes.

To be fair, there really aren’t enough women for rape to happen all that often in middle earth.

Cooked or pickled radishes are really really good!

I wonder if fructans occur in higher density in refined flour products, and if they occur in high amounts in any other foods. I have a lot of trouble eating sugary/refined deserts/foods (to the point where I cut them out), and I was able to rule out gluten/wheat because I didn’t get symptoms from wheat berries or

There should be a whole article on stuff like this! (as in, which cultures have which woman’s rights issues and what is the cultural/religious context for those issues)

Boston looks so bad, like it got attacked by inch worms! (ironically, I live just south of Boston, and I am currently battling inch worms)

My my, aren’t you sarcastic and trolly?

The problem is, there are no proven health problems caused by GMOs, so its a completely different situation, similar to having to manually label whether or not food came from a farm that also raises cattle or something.

Honestly, I think it only seems rushed when compared to sprawling slog that is books 4 and 5. The weird plot inconsistencies are definitely annoying (why did it take so long to arrest Cersei? What, exactly, happened with that scene with Theon; it seemed pretty clear to me that Theon went strait to Ramsay, but now I

That’s a really good article, and it jells with my experience with beefsteak- the conclusions of the (very small scale) study indicated that poor quality tomatoes are made nasty by the refrigerator, but it also clearly indicates that quality tomatoes are not harmed by the refrigerator (and might be improved by them)

Or, like, every city.

A good chunk of the flavor loss is due to storage- a tomato that has been refrigerated is a tomato that taists awful.

They could call the company if they really care. The labeling this is a cost and logistics nightmare, and one consumers do not have a right to force on the company since there is no way to detect GMO presence in a processed food (which is where you find labels).

The problem with labeling is that its not useful information, and it cannot be done easily. Even places that claim “gmo free” are iffy- you have no way of knowing if they were cross pollinated or bread with a crop that modified in a lab (intentionally or not), and there is absolutely no difference between selective

GMO labeling is ridiculous. What would actually be useful is if they had to source their farms so you could pick sustainable ones (or presumably, farms that do or do not use GMOs, if your silly and have a problem with the idea of a laboratory approach to the exact same thing farmers have been doing with selective

I have already had a strawberry the size of a small orange (maybe blood orange size). I loved it.

So, you’re saying I might be able to have a blueberry the size of a grapefruit?

Is that deadpool 39 seconds in?

I bet the kids movies are a good sign. Those movies weren’t just kids movies, they were really good ones (well, mostly) and it takes a special kind of wisdom and self acceptance to apply yourself equally to a “kiddie movie” and a violent action flick.

Absolutely! Not to mention the respect that was given to every character and each controversial topic. No environmental preeching, no sexist fetish rape, no insulting the intellectual capacity of the audience, no panderong to a ridiculous realism that nonone would beleive, just “Here is the world, lets explore it and