
To be fair, we don’t really know how much miller relied on those working for him, and how much input they haD. Lucas was independent when he made the first star wars (as in, no studio limiting him) and he was second guessed by those working for him. When he did the prequels, he was so inflated by his own legacy that

Also lobster bisque (with massive and abundant chunks of lobster), and stuffed lobster, and lobster nachos, and lobster ceasar salad, and lobster Benedict.

Smokey steamed is good, but nothing beats boiled in 1/2 sea water 1/2 fresh (I’ve heard people argue for 100% sea water. They are wrong- its too salty)


I love the back story “narration” that basically boiled down to “Bad shit went down, whatever, time to move on”

That’s awful. Feminism isn’t supposed to be some kind of dirty word, its supposed to be about opposing sexism (specifically sexism targeting women)

Its pretty fine to not get the feminism. The movie is feminist by virtue of being catagorically not sexist in an environment where every other movie in the genra is sexist in some way.

Its not that the movie is really feminist, per say, but that its not sexist. The themes are things like women rebelling against a subjugated existance, but its part of a greater narrative about people, and freedom.

Lost in the grey...

I was totally blind going in, having tagged along with a group of friends, and yeah, astonishing was definitely my expedience. I was never much of a fan of the earlier ones, but I walked out of the theater shell shocked: there were multiple interesting female characters and the movie was both artistic and spectacular

This was posed by orcim on a post about cage free eggs, and it neatly confirmed my own egg observations.

But... its literally North Korea.

Eh, I still didn’t like it after I realized that. Not that I didn’t appreciate its artistic statement, but... I just didn’t like it.

I wish they’d had a bar for added sugars in general, not just HFCS.

Not until after I re-read it. I gave it to my sister to read just after I got out of college, and she hated it, so I re-read it and I was horrified.

I think Trent was my favorite character until his daughter came around. *shudder*

Ugg, I left off somewhere around Roc and a Hard place.

I loved it when I was 12.

I have a friend who says three in the morning is the time we all spend laying awake, staring at darkness, and thinking about all the mistakes we’ve made in our lives.

*sigh* Black hair is the dominant trait, so that is what breeds true. Robert himself is the grandson of a Targaryen.