
I really really want a small smart watch (I have tiny hands/wrists) and all I want it to do it display texts/alerts, allow me to make my phone ring/answer my phone, display the time, control a music player, and interface with fitness apps. Waterproof and shock resistance too.

See, they were too distracted to have black widow in there because now they have two females to ignore!

You... really? You really have that little understanding of the world? That’s... you know what? That’s not the point.

Right. Aside from a devastating loss to the majority of the worlds farmland located in the most densely populated places on earth, crops will increase in yield a little bit. Yay!

And you were arguing that advanced cities only occur in temperate, subarctic zones, which is patently false. Don’t suddenly change the subject to sustainability.

1) The farmers who grow the food for the cities, at a minimum. Do not make the mistake of assuming a city is a self sufficient entity. Cities cannot exist without a vast amount of food and water being imported from other places, not to mention power generation which hardly ever happens inside the city proper, and

1) No, the point isn’t that we could survive, no one thinks we couldn’t, the point is that its going to be expensive, and lots of people will suffer and die before we succeed unless we start now.

See, one of the reasons I have a car is because its mine. I know where it is at all times, and generally have access to it at a moments notice. I have a lot of personal stuff that I keep in my car that I like having handy but don’t really want to carry on my person (in my case, sheet music, pending library books, and

1) Desert climates are not “tropical paradises”, and the amount of money required to keep these going is staggering. They are, without exception, horribly susceptible to drought.

One of those is a desert and would die in a year if it wasn’t constantly supported by oil money, and the other appears to be temperate.

Ever wonder why the most advanced cities tend to be in temperate and sub arctic climates? Turns out its way easier to build an infrastructure when there aren’t as many pants, animals, and tropical diseases.

I think that is 42% of ALL Americans, the shift being blamed on younger generations being not prudes.

Thank you for using the word obliterated! I know its a little off topic, but it really makes a difference.

That still does not change the fact that he had enough energy to move a freaking car, not does it erase the fact that his death was purely a “nya nya I can kill characters if I want to!” His death had no real point, it didn’t service the plot, the mechanics of his death are weak and really, black widow and hawk-eye

He could have just grabbed/redirected the bullets rather than waisting the effort on pushing the car in the way (the car that would not actually have stopped the bullets). It just made no sense for him to do that, nor was it within the realm of his powers!

So tired that he could pick up a truck? Really? And even if he was getting tired, we didn’t see it, so it can’t count as a reason.

I think cap meant less “At least we’ll have our principles!” and more “At least we’ll die human and not become the evil we are fighting against.”

Actually, he was wrong. The reason being that the problem he was trying to solve is an unsolvable one! You can’t just make a super powerful being that is only going to use its power for good, because good isn’t objective! The problem with Ultron was his morality was such that he believed the best was to save humanity

Whats with terrible mother’s and disasters? How did she leave him behind when she knew exactly where he was?

Actually, one of the best lines was Hawkeye being all “I’m a dude with a bow and arrow. What the hell am I supposed to do here! Damnit!”