
In the experiment referenced, he monitored the soil mass including the amount of water added to the soil, as well as the amount of water lost by the plant to evaporation (plants loose an enormous amount of water through their leaves on purpose to maintain their vascular systems)

Its really very simple- Criminalizing the act of charging money for mutually consensual sex protects no one, and harms many. What happened to you is already illegal, and there is absolutely no evidence that says you would have been somehow saved by consensual sex being illegal when money is exchanged. Rather, there is

Clicky clicky! All of those points are neatly refuted by the links I initially posted. You have yet to click them, I see.

Driving drunk causes less harm, overall, than paying for sex does

That's a ridiculous argument. The evidence clearly indicates that decriminalizing prostitution will only reduce harm. It will not solve all abuse, but it will with absolute certainty lessen it.

So... how are you able to use the internet? The tech industry is one of the worst as far as human rights are concerned, along with the food industry (especially sugar)

I was sort of bothered by the martini analogy- I love to dive, and the symptoms of being narced are way less certain than the symptoms of a high blood alcohol.

There is nothing wrong with paying for sex, just like there is nothing wrong paying a personal trainer, or a chef, or a masseuse, or anyone else performing a service for a fee.

I find it interesting that you refer to research that shows "Far too many are getting hurt. Far too many start as kids"

*and rich

My hometown has a neat story about the daughters of a lighthouse keeper that drove off a British raiding party during the war of 1812 with a drum and a fife.

My diary, my old cell phone (it can read sd cards) with a charger and a bunch of information packed sd cards, and a description of how the phone works.

Ah, well. There is a problem with resorting to definitions in a race debate, and that is, of course, that the definition of race is racist, and thus derails every conversation it is brought up in.

The Dresden Files. Just don't bring up television.

I was under the impression that use of "exactly" means that if more or less than the stated number of sentences are false, than the statement is false, meaning that if 1 was correct, eight of the others must also be correct, which they obviously cannot be, if exactly 1 means that exactly 2 must be false

Ha, glimmer

Yup, I was hipster before it was cool. (No, not really, duh. I can see why your confused though, because obviously everyone who disagrees with anything about mainstream pop culture is clearly a hipster)

I will give it the greatest comedy cartoon of all time, maybe (though I still think Looney Toons has it beat) but definitely not the greatest cartoon of all time.

I am aware that there are good episodes of the Simpsons, I just don't like it and never have. Its the Beetles of Cartoons- there are a few legitimate accomplishments, but its way overrated, and definitely eclipsing work that has a lot more merit and influence.

Cartoons were originally for adults until the Disney empire confused everyone and made them forget just how not child friendly much of Looney Toons is. Not to mention,I will definitely contest that the Simpsons has some of the best writing on TV.