
As a reminder, this was the comment I initially replied to:

Agreed, that is a good time for blocking. I was actually replying to a situation where someone was asked about sex after having had a, granted, short, pleasant conversation with the person.

Actually, I cannot take full credit for that. I discussed the merits of offering candy to good children and politely refusing sex to men, you and your friend came up with the candy vaginas and man-children. Very clever of you.

Oh, very good! You can now keep your clever typo rebuttal for ever and ever so that you can always remember that one time you were clever.


Corrected :-D

Your sarcasm is so very clever and intellectual.

Oh, you may be talking about that kind of guy, but actually, not everyone is

Read: At first.

That would be my guess.

Wow. Yeah.

Eh, not if you don't want to. But I still insist that it never actually hurts to be polite. At first.

I think it may have to do with certain mannerisms have an implied social meaning to some guys, and if you happen to display those mannerisms, you get the icky attention. It sucks, but I'm convinced you can learn to not give off those cues, just maybe not easily. But at least definitely not all guys are jerks, and

Ah, then its definitely wholesomeness. I bet you get called adorable a lot? Also, I'd also bet that you aren't super comfortable in social situations?

*see above responce

Not that you are, just that you might be!

Nah, you probably just have a persona that seems "wholesome"- as in, you don't put out a bunch of cues to get attention. If you really do want attention, you'd certainly be able to get it.

Yeesh. I'm not saying you need to talk to them, just don't be rude because of a possibly innocent question. Besides, if a single woman is drinking alone at a bar, its actually not an unreasonable assumption that she might be interested in casual sex, because really, I promise, there a people who are totally cool with

Eh, this is Jezebel. I'd like to think that there are some people who are actually just interested in casual sex, not in just acting like they are 'sex positive'. I could understand the annoyance if their profile made is super clear they were not interested in casual sex, but again, as long as a simple "no" is

Depends on the bar, and the proceeding conversation, and whether or not all I'm interested in is casual, kinky sex. I wouldn't, but that's because I don't want that and I don't really care for fetish bars.