
Gah. There were just so many great movies this year. SO MANY

That kind of sounds like what most people would say about a relationship they are truly emotionally invested in.

I think that that's more related to how people who grow up in safe, stable homes are also much more influenced by societal indoctrination- i.e. they would have a harder time overcoming the taboo and pursuing the relationship in the first place.

Ugg, that's a terrible way to find out.

In some states. Many don't require it anymore, because sex before marriage is now the norm.

Actually, the blood test is for STDs, and was instituted when sex before marriage was a NONO.

Even now, some in China still view science fiction as children's literature.

I think you can drop BH6 for The Lego Movie

It fits with what I know of Samurai culture, but I learned of samurai from anime, so...

It does!

Before time began, there was not.

I really don't think it is a misuse of the "secretly a prince" trope. He's still a Stark (which is already a kind of royalty), he's still a bastard (probably), and since he already got burned (when he killed the walker attacking the lord commander early on), we know his dragon blood does not make him dragon proof

I really don’t think so.

I'm not saying it would have been better for Neville's narrative, I'm saying it would have been better for Harry's.

I seem to be in a drastic minority here that really liked that rapunzel didn’t go crazy and die, and who didn’t find the witch's freakout at the end inappropriate.

R+L=J is not a cop, its not even "obvious"- its just fans have had so long to mull over things that the theory is pervasive due to the large number of clues and the impossibility that its not that. To change it now would be petty and would definitely hurt the narrative.

Bah, Neville should have been. It would have made a better story.

These are not honorable mentions. I'd put these above Bellatrix easily.

No Tim Curry? No Gladys?

Thanks. Now I will have trollmares about this happening.