
Which could be me being judgy,

1/1000 people would be 320,131 Americans or more than 7 million people world wide.

Actually, no, its .1%. Learn math.

Hmm, I have the opposite problem- I can go to bed an hour early no problem, but come wake-up time I am just as miserable and tired and migraney as if I hadn't gone to be early.

I think you need to learn to stop making assumptions about whether or not I know all that. You are quite wrong in your thinking about the nature of sleep, and there are no studies that conclusively support your hypothesis, so I suggest you find your self a pasture and put your horse out in it.

That never happened to me. I tried it for six months going to bed at 10 and getting up at 5, and I was miserable and had migraines the entire time despite getting the same amount of sleep as I do now.

Very, very hard. Not everyone is biologically predisposed to being an early riser, and there is a growing body of evidence some of which was discussed in this article, that says early start times are not natural for many people.

The most interesting part, in my opinion, is that I have a teapot that never drips except for the last cup pored, and I have another one that won't drip if I stop the poor very abruptly. The one that never drips has a long narrow snout compared with the size of the pot. So whatever the adhesion is caused by, it can

Yeah, I can't see it. It just looks styled to me.

Soooooooo....... this is actually a victory for hearth wisdom, isn't it?

Hmm, actually no. They do not put you at a "very high risk".

Yay science!

Because moderate impairment can be caused by more than just alcohol, and "moderate impairment" is not the same as "dangerous impairment"

I've generally been told I have an exceptional sense of smell (can smell whose been in a car after they get out, who was the last person to hold my cat, ect.) and I've never noticed garlic smell. Then again, I eat a LOT of garlic, so maybe only people who don't eat garlic often are sensitive to it?

Uhh, that's because its winter in the northern hemisphere.

The deep ocean.

I am so, so very distracted by this right now.

That was his point: The authorities tell us to be afraid of the Terrorists. If we aren't, well. Obviously we are a terrorist, and must be bullied by law enforcement.

As a born and bred white American Citizen I only have one thing to say to you:

Now I kinda wanna make a screen name Captain Pedantic and troll the internet.