
Yes indeed. Which is why these arguments are completely dumb. I wouldn't have even bothered commenting if it didn't bother me so much when people repay (granted, self reported) kindness with cruelty.

You know, good deeds are actually good deeds, whether or not someone has a motivation for doing good deeds that you find acceptable.

Neither do they deserve to be accused of wanting a prize when they haven't, actually, asked for one.

I couldn't help reading this from a robots prospective about humans:

I agree. Bicentennial man gave me nightmares. :-(

I've heard that taking a spider and putting it outside will kill it in winter because the spider has come inside to be warm. Is this true? Which spiders live naturally indoors, and which don't (for reference, I live in Eastern MA)

I don't think I ever forgave her for Sirius' death. G.R.R. Martin's deaths always at least have a bit of warning, they're the natural consequences of making dumb decisions, ect. I mean, Sirius, out of nowhere!

It does. Do try to read them in order.

They should have to do their own research/development projects, start to finish.

Understanding that old beliefs were fancy and insulting their memory is completely different.

Yeah, but all of those problems can occur whether or not your trying to loose weight (far more people injure themselves doing physical activities they find fun rather than ones they are doing because they want to lose weight, and a perfectly skinny person who eats nothing but garbage food is going to be significantly

Bacon is fairly low calorie- most of its bad rep is from the salt (only a problem if you have high blood pressure) and cholesterol (only a problem because.... reasons. There is so little evidence that restricting dietary cholesterol is helpful it is shameful).

The war of pretty people aggression? The war of racial aggression?

How to indefinitely prolong youth and life. Then there will be time for the other answers.

I'm not planning on children for a few more years, and I am already telling people

Well, they're still making them now aren't they?

Indeed. Because they totally are.

Gah! Doesn't it hurt to shove it down deep anyway?

I read this as

This is a good explanation!