
You win.

2000 is just the average of all people, all sizes. I gain weight if I eat more than 1300 in a day. Life is so unfair.

Really? Really? Look at your serving sizes! The Aussie cheese fries SMALL says a serving is only 1/4 of what you get served!!!!

OMG yes. Guess what- Bacon is actually fairly low calorie, especially when compared to things like cheese sauce or sausages (just 45 calories per slice!)

Or just, always. Caloric drinks are so not worth it at all. (Unless its for desert)

I will use all the potatoes, because they are each distinctive in their own way, but there is one thing that will never do, and that is a Idaho or gold potatoes (or other similar) in potato salad. Only red bliss works, and only if consumed within 24 hours.

Hey, he did quit after he refused- no more time spent in a cushy government job. Respecting the integrity of an oath does not necessarily mean you need to do something you find morally objectionable, it means you may have to sacrifice your position.

everybody is reading everybody else's vampire books — and there are a LOT of conversations about what happened in whose book and which vampires appear in whose stories. It felt like people arguing about fanfic written by each other, about themselves.

It wasn't so much the objection, but the nasty tone of the objection- you weren't criticizing their presentation, you called them douches for not liking what you like. That's... literally what you have a problem with them for doing (replace douches with stupid, I guess).

Nnng, if I didn't see your other posts, I'd accuse you of being a troll.

Is there a way to test when baking powder has lost its potency, and is there a way to reactivate it?

OMG. Red potatoes make the best mash! But, if you want fluffy, use a White or Yukon gold type- they are more similar in texture. Also- she is right, nearly all of the potato nutrients are in the skin- they become a legitimately healthy vegetable when you eat the skin.

Maybe its just you being over sensitive to nonexistent smugness? I have absolutely no problem with knowing things. You could always not read it.

Can fly? Oh, you poor, poor fool.

I can definitely agree with that.

I see your clumsy, but raise you a still genuinely entertaining.

I like the Amazing Spiderman movies, and I am excited for Sinister 6 and Amazing 3. Harrumph.

I think its rather poetic that, like the Polynesians before them, sweet potatoes are the food they bring with them into the hostile unknown.

Wild turkeys are carnivorous assholes who terrorize anything they can. Anything.

Ugg. This looks terrible.