
Terrible really just means "scary bad", but also just "scary" because its derived from "terror", so a "terrible beauty" is both beautiful and frightening, like a lightning storm.

I always hated the word sublime. Maybe because of its over use in food blogs, or maybe just because it strikes me as a really snobby way of saying amazing.

You presume that immortality is this magical thing, like here, have this magical pendent and live forever!

Can I bring back a downsized version of modern infrastructure (or all the University labs in the world)?

Yeah, but they don't die because their bored, do they?

This was a neat story!

I don't understand your reasoning.


He has a better chance of winning the lottery- the court systems are horribly corrupt, and outrageously expensive.

Depends- Do I get to know the future so I can pick when in the future?

I think "Randomly generated food" is refereed to non-GMOs.

You know, except that nightmare I had about a really bad third season that turned off a huge number of people from the series.

Oliver Queen is infected with a horrible clothing-melting virus and there's no cure


I think your missing the point - its not the actual physiology that's the problem, its the context, poses, and the way other in-story characters react to them. Women almost always stand "sexily" rather than "powerfully", whereas for men its the reverse, and women's costumes are drawn to highlight sexually charged bits

Soooooooooooooooooooo it goes super-nuclear?

I definitely have a hard time explaining to people that its not the existence of sexualization that's the problem, but the lack of any other kind of portrayals.

Yes, fan art. Especially the fan art where lots of gay stuff happens, regardless of sexuality. That is sexual objectification reversed. Also- the eyes are so much more makup-y in fan art, its startling.

Why has Massachusetts been kicked out of the US?

Its more like a "Star Wars moment" for small screen series, but yeah. Definitely (although it may have begun with Rome, or possibly the Dune mini-series)