
See, I think your being too general. If a movie is selling itself as being "realistic" and spends time establishing that its following real world physics, ect, then it breaks those rules for no discernible reason, that's a legitimate criticism.

Did you check into which ones of these were actually used and which ones were made up by Victorians? I went to a "torture" museum in Italy, and literally every "primary source" (sketches, actual devices) in the place was dated to 18-something.

Actually, I miss smaller than a quarter coins being useful currency, in general.

They're really different movies- GOTG is a space opera, and Captain America is a super hero movie. Truthfully, I can agree that as a superhero movie, Captain America is the better movie (and I would argue the best in the marvel universe) but GOTG is a truly great space opera that, I would argue, rivals the original

I disagree completely. The hunks he lobbed were no larger than the meteor that streaked across Russia not to long ago- yeah, big and destructive, but no, not catastrophic. War has rules, and in TMIAHM, they did not actually violate those rules, which is required for you to be a war criminal.

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo Drax is autistic. That's what I take away from this.

One of the most effective means of moderating a politician is to elect him as president (no hers yet :-( )

Liberal 20 year olds? Shocking! That's never happened in all of the history of the United States!

It really should be titled "The Greatest Satirical Religion of All Time"

Its also kind of a trick question, depending on whether or not you count the claws.

There's a fundamental problem with the mentality of police in America, and that is that the police are "Law Enforcement", not "Safety Enforcement" - they are motivated (and they get funding based on it) to convict as many people of crimes as they can find, not to keep people safe. Not only does this mean that bad laws

There is no question that h world have been better! I die a little every time I think about how very very wrong they went.

Indeed! You turn a dial! :-)

Why on earth didn't people just take a half cookie? Also, what kind of cookie, did everyone even want a cookie?

You know, I find that people constantly, and I mean constantly, underestimate their own abilities to prepare food. They fool themselves into equating a lack of patience (like, they're so hungry that they cannot be bothered to prepare anything more complicated than opening a bag of chips) with a lack of ability.

Nope! Corporate owned patents can be extended for a loooooooooooooooooooooong time.

Oh, I sure hope so.

I had a teacher like that- he slipped up and claimed that the sun was 5 million years old (he wrote it on the board and everything), and when I corrected him, he yelled at mean and insisted that was wheat he meant!

This is actually more in favor of not using crisis based propaganda- As John M points out , anti-vaxxers was the natural result to the vaccination campaigns. Sure, it worked when people were still scared, but no one trusts alarmist propaganda forever.