
That’s my favorite one. I think all headlines on this wedding should be speculation about which single fruit and/or food could comprise their wedding cake.

Somehow fruit cocktail pear is peak pear. I don’t know how.

I love them.

How the fucking fuck do people not understand not to touch other people’s hair??? How is this even a problem to start with?????? Don’t touch other people! Unless you are tapping them on the shoulder to get their attention, DON’T TOUCH STRANGERS!

That is the correct way to apologize. Full responsibility. Call for and cooperation with investigation. Willingness to accept consequences. Defending those speaking out. And promising to fix yourself and do better.

Incorrect: Spaghetti Squash is delicious. Just don’t treat it like spaghetti; it’s a fucking vegetable.

Mike was a fuck to Max because he is a 13-year-old boy who was afraid the group was trying to replace Eleven - who he didn’t know was alive or dead and is in teen!love with. The combination of the trauma, the PTSD, the feelings, and the adolescence = Mike Being A Dick To Max.

Agreed. Do not care about Brenner. Need 1000x more Dr. Paul Reiser.

It looks like all the fonts on Stephen King’s 1980s books. So, you know, perfect.

Sure, it’s cuz white girls can never be murderers and not because Rudy Guede’s fingerprints, bloody palm prints, and DNA were found all over Meredith’s room and body.

You are insane and part of the reason both Amanda Knox and Meredith’s family will never find any peace or justice, even though the murderer was caught and tried and found guilty.

1. I hope you do.

I’m glad to know I wasn’t the only one crying like a baby through most of this episode.

How they make those determinations varies from state to state, and often has more to do with how you phrase your income reporting than the literal rules. If it’s confusing or you think you SHOULD qualify, try talking to an ACA enrollment rep in person, explain your situation, and ask them to help you qualify. That’s

Steve was originally gonna get ate but never did cuz his actor is too damn good, so I’m pretty sure/hopeful Steve ain’t never gonna get ate.

Check to see if you qualify for the Medicare in your state (especially if your state took part in the expansion).

Check and see if you can get a better plan this year, dude. That’s kind of the whole point of this article.

You should really look into whether or not you can get a better plan. I know a lot of people who have insisted they cannot, and then when they put in a little effort they do. Follow the advice in the article. You might save a lot of money.

“Tax payer money” is money you already paid that is meant to be used the basic needs of the country: roads, bridges, education, healthcare. It’s PUBLIC money, for use on public services. That’s the whole damn point of taxes, moron.

Agreed! I also saw an article (written by a woman) that was titled something along the lines of “I love everything about Stranger Things 2 except how Eleven treats Max” and I was like, “Do you not remember being 11-13?” Like, yes, in a perfect feminist world El wouldn’t be jealous, but considering how much trauma