Stoney Tark


Geez, how dirty do men get?

its actually stan. a centuries long typo.

For sure. We have a $750K policy that goes to my sister who will take our two kids if my wife and I both die before they turn 18. I figured it’s enough to move into a larger house or build an addition onto theirs if they need to, pay for college, and hopefully cover whatever other expenses they end up with. Sticking

They’re all in shape

The features that come with the Prime subscription already negate the cost, so nothing.

The features that come with the Prime subscription already negate the cost, so nothing.

Even fridge space gets co-opted. You will never buy a cold 30-pack at the store again, or else you will get The Look.

What are the odds of BOTH parents dying at once? Even if something that awful DID happen, you’d have the perfect sitcom pitch. “What happens when two selfish MILLENIALS have to care for seven grief-stricken orphans? HILARITY! That’s what.”

Breaking Bath

True Detective season two has undeniably become a rote procedural

And then you whine and complain when prison staff is using lots of force to deal with inmates who are going bonkers from only having a cell, a bed, and meals.

I think consumers should question what is in their makeup, personal care items, food, and household cleaners. But I think people need to look to scientists not people like Bindler who just want to use fear to sell a product.

If so, we are really bad at it as you outlive us on average by 7 year. Also, I seriously doubt we would do it via breast cancer, because even if the patriarchy hates women, it loves boobs.

That’s a good article! One of my pet peeves is when an alarmist article will say, “This thing was found in salad dressing/shampoo/yogurt/whatever and IT’S ALSO FOUND IN ANT BAIT!” I mean, *water* is also found in ant bait, right?