Stoney Tark


Some of these customers really need to learn when to keep stuff private. Like raw cake batter...whip up a cake mix and eat it at home. Hell, a lot of the brownie batter doesn’t make into the pan when I bake. Want to suck straight caramel sauce out of the jar or bag? Do so at home, treat yo self. You can even find

Anybody, husband or no, who puts Sriracha on ravioli is not worth tears. Only ridicule.

I’ve been working on improving my cooking skills for the past year. This resulted in a very tearful conversation with my husband, where I had to explain that if I was going to spend 8 hours in the kitchen making ravioli from scratch at his request, he could at least take a fucking bite before drowning it in Sriracha.


He never fails to not look dreamy.

Bruce, you look great. My hand’s off to you, sir.

I am inclined to agree with you, but also appreciate the subtle art of not letting the facts get in the way of a good story... Also, you may be underestimating the impact of internet porn on people young enough to have been 17 when Bacardi Razz hit the market.

He just misses his kitten.

LOL I saw it this morning (pre-coffee) and forgot it was on a loop. I was thinking the same thing... “Geez, you pervert... enough!”

Was just reading about Crater Lake not three days ago. Even more fascinating, there’s an upright hemlock stump that’s been floating in the lake for over 120 years, preserved by the lake’s unique chemical and physical properties. It once meandered around Crater Lake until the 80’s when the park’s service decided to tie

Beautiful painting but they missed out on a huge opportunity to show a before and after. Yes, we could see the improvements (particularly when they showed the old varnish coming off), but I would have loved to see the whole painting before the restoration cross faded with the end result.

I’m pretty fancy as well. I have actually had coworkers ask me to ‘lower the bar’ at my old job. Not all of them of course, some of them enjoyed my flair and would bring me pieces that they bought and never wore or that an older relative had saved. If I were a different person I’d probably have moved to the south

This is Millihelen. It’s not supposed to be news.

And then they have to explain why they want to get reimbursed for $40 worth of KY...

YEAH that really confused the hell out of me. “O’Reilly argues that with police being fearful of “being proactive on the job,” homelessness in the city has skyrocketed.” So what exactly is it that he believes the police can/should be doing that solves homelessness?

That cardigan is breath-taking.

Spoiler alert man!!! The fuck?!?

Yeah, I’m with you. Another benefit to that-sometimes I want my bag checked but don’t want to pay for it so i’ll just be last and then the airline is forced to check it for free.