Stoney Tark

As a very outspoken concealed-carry advocate who is 99% sure this article will have an argument about guns in the comments, let me just be the first to say I completely agree that running away is the right thing to do. I don’t carry a gun in my home state, because apparently single women living alone who’ve been

This makes the Deathclaws look like fun party-animal types i’d want to hang with. Like maybe a heroin party like Fear the Walking Dead type vibe. These dudes and dudettes look like they are DTP (down to party)

I thought this was proof that he was going to be in the new Ghostbusters for a minute

Especially if the porn star’s account is true. If he likes sex as rough and degrading as she says, and Anna has never had any other sexual experiences before, no discussion, no other personal or secondhand account to go off of, and she is also just expected to submit, I can see all of that going very south very fast.

That was really sad to read. With 20 kids, you aren’t so much parenting them, as warehousing them.

no that occurred to me too. Michelle is so the “perfect wife and mother” who feels she MUST pass down her knowledge she would feel that something must be said to the woman that failed her son.

I agree, but again that’s back to his upbringing. He grew up in a culture that considers men to be wicked sex maniacs who can’t help but take any opportunity offered. In an act of self-interest, he takes the “out” that is provided to him - that it was “sin” and “temptation” that drove him to it. And again as an adult,

It’s sad that your comment makes me realize at least she’ll get a six month break from pregnancy to heal both emotionally and physically.

I think he definitely needs treatment! But it needs to be cognitive behavioral therapy so that he can learn to actually empathize with others and take responsibility for his own actions. “Sin” and “temptation” are not to blame for him molesting those little girls or for his extramarital affairs: only he is to blame

*sigh* is it bad that when I read about the Ashley Madison account, all I could imagine was Michelle blaming Anna for not submitting to her husband for sex whenever he wants and if she had only done that this wouldn’t have happened?

“They always got 15-minute, one-on-one sessions with their mom every week. That was the time to share their feelings, but other than that they had to keep their feelings to themselves.”

Someone asked me if I thought he really had a sex addiction, and I said, “no...I think he’s a human.”

As much as I can’t stand this guy, he doesn’t need “treatment”. This is what happens sometimes when your family expects you to fulfill a role that is perhaps not what you want for your life. This guy ISN’T about family values, being married etc. And that’s fine. But the pressure of his family and church’s expectations

Hearing about the way her parents raised their children makes me very sad.

Rule of thumb: If you'd buy the same flowers for your mom on Mother's Day, don't buy them for your girlfriend/wife. Pick different ones.

Here is a photo of a hamster on a skateboard from 2011.

Vacuuming is not mopping. This is fucking stupid.

How much did Dyson pay Gizmodo for this ad?

If you balk at the Swiffer’s price and refills, just pop a microfiber towel into the handle. works a treat ,and you can launder them forever. Cheap and cheerful.