Stoney Tark

Wow. If you’re using 6 of each cloth to clean your floors once a week you’re doing it wrong, pal. Just how many square feet is this “small” apartment? For a very thorough clean of my 500 sq.ft. apartment (all hardwood/linoleum) I end up using 2 dry cloths and 1 wet with the assistance of an all purpose spray (usually

My best advice for giving a man flowers is go back and watch some old episodes of 30 Rock. Jack almost ALWAYS has a beautiful, small, subtle arrangement on his desk. They are beautiful and totally refined. I think sending men flowers is underrated. Go for it!

I can’t star you

Paused reading to say Ellie Schavene was arguably not on point in this situation. She seemed perfectly polite... But she couldn't comp a single (maybe child's) waffle and have the woman try it??? It's not like it is an expensive item.

I can't star you. +1

You have got to stock some frozen veg. Boxed mac with broccoli or peas thrown in has literally saved me from nights of puking out my lungs. Plus it would add a whole new element to that crazy ramen thing.

Geez, honestly this just makes me want to reach out to the next troll I encounter and ask if they need to talk. I fully realize the naiveté in that, but still. It seems like most these people had serious personal troubles during their troll phases.

You’re doing God’s work, Maddie.

Whoa. It's very Heavy Metal.

Gorgeous kitty!!

Bagheera! Beautiful shot.

Question: Who helped him with his stop-motion scenes in Interstellar? He used a lot of great practical effects in that movie.

This looks great, but after 50 photos of the thing, I feel like I've seen it. Phew!

My SO and I aren’t married yet, or even engaged. But we’ve already discussed that yes, we will have a prenup. It will be put in place to protect the money my SO will inherit from his parents (Pretty damn well off, if not considered wealthy) if we find ourselves divorced. I suppose, depending on our personal

And make no mistakes, the company will probably still quite a few of them.

Not sure if it’s been mentioned in the comments: Scott Walker never earned a college degree!

Also can we talk about how liquid softener makes clothes feel creamy, gross, and weird. Fabric softener is the worst.

Absolutely beautiful.

Right? And save a few bucks and sleep in the thing on a few of the nights.

As a woman, no, don't get rid of them. Just display them nicely.