Stoney Tark

to paraphrase a classice Mitchel and Webb sketch: You can hold this animal and you wouldnt even die.

Not even the same year. The culprit is in an LA (which must be a 2015). The guy that got arrested is in an LC (2014 or earlier)

I laughed when I really shouldn’t have.

It’s to the point where a black Challenger can’t even drive down the street anymore without being mistaken for some kind of criminal. These are sad times we live in.

wait?? Did Scarlet Witch had a baby???

I’ve done this with corn tortillas and had success. They don’t come out as beautiful as store-bought ones, but I’m far more likely to have corn tortillas on hand than taco shells, and I don’t mind the way these turn out.

My dog growing up refused to eat peas. You could literally give her a bit of stew with mixed vegetables in it, she’d lick the bowl clean, then she would drop all the uneaten peas out of her mouth back into the empty bowl.

Secret occult history was pretty much why I wanted to watch it.


My mom tried to run me over with her car at Christmas and I have only spoken to her once since then. And somehow I feel like the piece of shit in this whole situation.

Did you read the next part where I applied that advice to buying things (like suits)? If the amount you pay each time you wear the suit is less than the amount you would pay to rent one, than it is probably worth it to buy it (not to mention the hassle of renting a suit).

The big takeaway is that you probably don’t

Exactly the right attitude for signing your kid up for ANY activity.

I totally agree that she doesn’t seem like a typical Toddlers & Tiaras mom. Although this gave me pause:

Someone please “curate a line” that is inspired by my daughter’s insane pattern mixing.

lol i loved it. this mom seemed so legit. she was like lol idk she likes it so why not?

This sounds... surprisingly reasonable and not exploitive at all. I mean, the kid seems to have fun with it, the mother isn’t forcing her or going full on stage mom and they’re putting her earnings into an account for college. I mean, I almost feel bad for being pleasantly surprised.

Whoa. Magneto Gwen looks friggin’ awesome! Can we maybe get an entire series with her?