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This is awesome! I still prefer Tony Swattons Master Sword though.

Jesus, in this day and age you can't even start a Kickstarter without locking down a website. He should have leased this domain the instant he wanted to get into politics and maintained it this whole time. Additional verification that this guy is a dumbass who has no business setting policy for a family pet, much less

Ted Cruz is a terrible human being who deserves every ounce of grief this already-failed "campaign" will deliver.

We tipped 30 bucks on a 20 dollar meal once. It was hilarious. The woman tried to give us part of the tip back, we told her, we were super appreciative of her service and wanted to show her. Then she looked at the tip, and looked at us and this real wobbly voice said

I will be sad when we abolish the practice of tipping... Poor tipping is one of the few ways to weed out the undesirables of the world, a glaring tell that the practitioner is not worth the effort of thinking about.

Seriously though, fuck florida. We can agree on that.

I finally stopped lurking because YAAAAAAAAAAAAS! I rarely see this pointed out on tipping threads. Pretty much all the large corporate chain restaurants handle tip out that way. Also most if not all have IRS agreements that state that if servers are not claiming 8-10% of TOTAL sales then that money will be allocated

My best friend is a nurse and she tried to use how shitty her job is as an excuse not to tip. She thinks restaurant workers don't deserve it. I tried to explain that two wrongs don't make a right, and yes her job is hard but she also earns twice what waitresses earn. She just said they were lazy and didn't deserve any

I really think 20% is fine. I was never, ever upset about 20% — that's the standard. More is always welcome, but not required, even for the best service. And look, if I legit screwed up (like say, forgot to put your order in so it took forever to get your food), I didn't expect 20% at that point! That's cool, I

Incorrect. You're not screwing them over at most places, because the server's tip-out in the vast majority of restaurants is based on sales rather than tips. Everyone else gets paid regardless; it just comes out of the server's pocket.

From her bio: "She runs, reads, and eats way too much and is passionate about humanism..."

How I can tell this hasn't gone on the main page yet - my soul didn't shriek in agony upon reading the greys.

Yes, and part of the social contract as currently constructed is that you are expected to tip, because by not doing so, the only person you are punishing is your server.

I just adore you. 30% or more. If you don't want to tip, keep your ass at home.

How many times can it be said that if you can afford to eat out, you can fucking afford to tip? Not enough times, apparently. Jeebus. I love to tip. I loooooove it. I feel frickin' righteous about it. Sometimes, I tip my barista FIFTY percent, btw, even though she or he has spent a mere 60 seconds on my dirty chai tea

4) Agriculture was invented so that children and parents would have a readily available source of milk

"That's the result of about 15 seconds of research"