
I look forward to the time you declare yourself a lesbian Nazi from the future.

I think most servers are pretty sympathetic to people with legitimate allergies. When you claim that you'll "literally die" if you eat gluten, then order bread filled with it, then they think you're an asshole.

Was at our town's new "deluxe diner" last week. It's fantastic and they are brand-new so the waitstaff is still getting their footing, figuring out staffing patterns, menu quirks, etc. The food is sort of upscale diner-ish and just delicious. Anyway, as my table was finishing our meals, a new table sat next to us. Two

...he save bread...?

Your problem is that you don't seem to believe government can ever do something good. We have the government we have because of people like you, that don't believe in voting or giving a crap because you have an idea that government is always corrupt and stupid. I think its possible to have a United States government

it's Pittsburgh - with an H ( the h makes it seem more classy) and i thought you were going to say that Pittsburgh style is with french fries and coleslaw on top.

I once had guy order a steak "Pittsburg style, well done". I had no idea how to respond to that. For those that don't know, Pittsburg style means seared on the outside and rare as fuck in the middle.

I will only have male OBGYNs. I tried women at first, thinking it would obviously be better because they "would understand".....hahahaha NOPE! I had horrible experiences, including being told to toughen up and not to be such a slut (different doctors! the latter was a midwife!) But male doctors have always been

When a planet grows up sometimes it gets spots. As it enters adulthood oftentimes the spots clear up.

Why's the internet cryin'?