
Its not just that. Its also the fact that the gameplay gets limited/crippled by the movie limitations.

Aren’t X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Uncaged Edition) and Hulk game were generally received favorable reviews back then? Not to mention PS1 Spiderman.

Assange has no fucking clue what he’s talking about. There was no censorship involved here! At no point did any governmental agency prevent Milo from saying what he wanted to say. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from any consequence of your speech.

Was it Terry Pratchett who pointed out that a man who pulls a sword from a stone is not half so impressive as the man who’s able to put the sword into the stone? Honestly...with Pratchett’s novels of the Watch just sitting there, chiefly unfilmed, and studios are wasting time and money on drek like this...

“Who in the hell is this Democrat-come-lately to scold Democrats on all they’ve done wrong?”

Kitchenette dying was the saddest thing. And I say that as a white middle-aged motorcycle enthusiast who cooks like twice a year.

“Introduction”? Those brands have been around for far longer than 2008.

Nothing against her at all, but I’ve been on a Vikings binge the past 2 weeks so I’m still thinking:

Because there is nothing left to tell with Gendry. People need to stop acting like that is some dangling plot thread. If it helps you, pretend Gendry is with the russian from the Pine Barrens.

I know people have a lot of love for the Nolan Batman films, but in my opinion they’re some of the worst. The Dark knight is a good film, but it’s mostly due to Heath Ledger’s performance. The rest of the film is clunky, ugly, poorly edited and poorly shot. The same goes for Nolan’s other two Batman films - they go

Reached for comment, the Pats’ head of IT referred to his contract, explaining that “screw with the visiting team’s electronics” is very clear, and if the team only meant for games played at Gillette, they should put it in writing.

Since they are routinely end up unpiloted why not call them drones?

The final moments of The Force Awakens are silent—Rey, having found Luke Skywalker, holds out his old lightsaber to the venerable Jedi Master, silently imploring him to recognize the weapon.

see Brigadier PF Diamond McYemen’s post which is currently showing up right below yours for the best possible explanation. IMO it’s for guys firmly entrenched in denial.

Parker Industries? Missed oportopportunity should have been named ParkCorp

Wasing the talk of being!

The first Prometheus films was one of only a couple where I marched out before the end and demanded my money back from the cinema (which I got). I don’t have any hope for this sequel, I really don’t believe it deserved one. The plot was nonsensical, the people didn’t act like actual humans, the scientists weren’t very

They never took a doggie bag home and they never touched Golem Jesus’s meal.

Who cares what they look like if they’re functional? I have a friend that works for a moving company and he says that every single one of his coworkers have these because they serve a purpose and they’re durable. You don’t want wires in the way when you’re moving stuff or running or doing whatever kind of work that