
I thought it was pretty appropriate feeling combat considering you play as an extremely out of practice Padawan.

If any movie property should make for a great stand alone game, Iron Man is it. BioWare could make a great action RPG with that IP.

Not to mention Spider-Man 2 on PS2 and Xbox. That one still has the best swinging mechanics of the entire series. The races were the best.

I love you for leaving out that apostrophe.

Soooooo, how exactly is this bullying? It’s a joke. Specifically it’s a gender neutral, race neutral, sexual preference neutral, nationality neutral, and not even the slightest bit vulgar. At worst, it’s mildly insulting, but only if you have no sense of humor.

Don’t get your hopes up. While they’ve gotten marginally better over the years nearly every time I’ve dealt with Charter on the phone I’ve been left with the impression that they hate me and want me to be unhappy.

It looks a lot like that, only on a trail about 3 feet wide. Nowhere to but straight down, no backing out once you’re there.

Reminds me of the East Wall (think that’s what it was called, been a while) at Arapahoe Basin. My father and I were skiing there one year and decided to give it a go. We were definitely both above average skiers, but I was still a teenager at the time and cocky as hell. It starts off as this trail that winds its way

Ugh, this shit looks so gross. I don’t get the appeal here. Is this a product for people who only eat because they have to in order to stay alive? What a terrible way to live. I’ve seen the CEO in interviews and he looks bland and joyless, much like I imagine how this product tastes.

Eh, I’m not so sure about that theory. I don’t go out of my way to search for stories about the guy. It’s just that given the nature of his offenses, combined with his last name......they tend to stick out.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ this fucking guy! It’s as though every time he has a sex scandal he thinks “hmmmmm, how can I possibly do the same thing yet again, but somehow make it worse?”

For the first guy: personally I wouldn’t bring it up. I wouldn’t lie to her about it if for some reason you happen to be discussing your previous sex life with your girl, but I would not just volunteer the information. That being said, if it does come up just lead with the whole “I was terminally diagnosed and for

Dehumanizes? Every single time I have ever filled out paperwork that had checkboxes for gender the options presented have been [M] and [F]. It’s somewhat impersonal but not dehumanizing.

Yeah, I was kind of thinking the same thing. Towards the end though it mentions that she was given the option of staying on the team or taking a lower paying job. That to me sounds like she’s probably (surprise) not a good fit on that team and everyone knows it. They’re probably trying to get her to quit instead of

I’m trying to talk my wife into one for Xmas. In the increasingly rare time I have to play games I do so on PC, but I really want to play Zelda when it comes out. I’ve explained to her that it would make a great joint gift for myself and our 3 year old son. Fingers crossed.

I’m trying to talk my wife into one for Xmas. In the increasingly rare time I have to play games I do so on PC, but

What the hell was that, a HyperColor poster? The art is awesome and I dig the concept, but it was a long way from the single touch makeover I was mislead about.

It’s sad that a product which has incredible benefits and very few, minor side effects is being treated like this. I can testify from personal experience that it does help to easily transition off of opiates. Like many people I had an accident, got prescribed a bunch of pain meds, and got pretty hooked on them. It was

Professional knight? Dude looked more like a practice dummy to me.