
I thought it was pretty appropriate feeling combat considering you play as an extremely out of practice Padawan.

For the first guy: personally I wouldn’t bring it up. I wouldn’t lie to her about it if for some reason you happen to be discussing your previous sex life with your girl, but I would not just volunteer the information. That being said, if it does come up just lead with the whole “I was terminally diagnosed and for

I’m trying to talk my wife into one for Xmas. In the increasingly rare time I have to play games I do so on PC, but I really want to play Zelda when it comes out. I’ve explained to her that it would make a great joint gift for myself and our 3 year old son. Fingers crossed.

I’m trying to talk my wife into one for Xmas. In the increasingly rare time I have to play games I do so on PC, but

Came here to comment on how terrible and idiotic this idea is, but it seems everyone else beat me to it.

Ugh, Crackle is like all the shitty parts of Hulu, only with a worse selection.

Think of them as a lamp module for lighting control. You can plug in a lamp, leave its switch in the “on” position, and then control or even automate it without the need for adding wiring to create a switched outlet.

Think of them as a lamp module for lighting control. You can plug in a lamp, leave its switch in the “on” position,

I just put my son down for bed before reading this. My heart aches for this poor man. And that fucking smirk on that piece of shit’s face....They should have left the cuffs on and let dad work out some of his grief and anger.

Yeah, the snarky “boring” musings are pretty whiny but you have to admit that the concepts for the seating and aisle look incredibly cramped and uncomfortable. The tech in this thing is incredible but these renders make coach class or a seat on a little puddle jumper prop flight look luxurious. I don’t think anyone

I’ve not played Diablo, so yeah, no idea what just happened there. Just a dude running in circles while shit went down.

Oh man....This poor guy. Hearing his voice just makes me sad(der). I mean, I’m a nerd, I like swords and knives and sci-fi and and comics and video games and have an encyclopedic knowledge of some of those things, but I guess I got lucky. I could stand to lose a few pounds, but it’s mostly beer weight. But having

Definitely my fav Elder Scrolls game. So many little magic moments in it that Skyrim, as good as it was, never quite matched for me. The village where everyone had been turned invisible, the “Clue” style murder mystery, the unicorn you could find, all of that was awesome. LOL, and stacking to get 100% chameleon armor

Wholeheartedly agree. I enjoyed Batman Begins, but TDK was a terrible Batman flick. A decent Joker film, sure, but not a good Batman story. And the third one was nearly unwatchable. My girlfriend fell asleep in it and I almost walked out after the prison scene, but I didn’t want to wake her.

Damn, this is straight out of Ready Player One.

I’m a long time Broncos fan and I watched the game with a good friend who is a diehard Pats fan. Most of the time when we do this there is a good bit of smack being talked. Not tonight though, it really was a hell of a game.

I’ve always found Steelers fans to be the worst.

How is Lemon’s comment any more offensive than Cooper’s “rockin’ bod” comment?

Now playing

Oh, who gives a fuck? Lemon is a professional jackass and Griffin is a female Pauly Shore. Hell, it’s about the only compliment I think one could give to Kathy Griffin. Also, reminds me of this:

So are you a teenager with no job or a douche-bro with a salary who thinks anyone earning an hourly is beneath them? Either way, go fuck yourself, you condescending dickbag.

The Gatling laser uses fusion cores for ammo. It gets 500 shots per core, which sadly isn't that much. It's so ridiculously OP tho and takes any challenge out of the game. I'm at lvl 43 now and just now started using power armor so k have like 40-50 fusion cores and the Nuclear Physicist perk. Jet pack on the cheap

Yeah, Plasma weapons are pretty sweet. But they ain’t got shit on my fully modded Gauss rifle. That thing and the modded Gatling Laser are so insanely OP that I usually roll with a Plasma rifle, pimped out Combat rifle, or the Deliverer (awesome silenced pistol; think I got it for helping out the Railroad?) just to