
Walken and Rollin’?

Well, you are horribly wrong. Ranting about sexism from a four year old and ancient China and what-not. It’s not overreacting to point out the obvious. And since your responses to others so far have been just as nonsensical your original comment, I have to ask: Are you serious? I mean, really? Do you really equate a 4

There’s a theory that at the Tower of Joy Ned finds not one child with Lyanna, but two, and he gives one to Howland Reed. And Meera’s description in the books and her appearance on the show are certainly Stark-like, unlike Jojen.

It wouldn’t make Jaime responsible. Sure, Jaime offed the Mad King, but according to the theory it was Bran that drove Aerys mad in the first place. He would often speak of the voices whispering in his ear, and was fascinated with fire. The Bloodraven admitted that Bran was not ready; he’s still a scared, crippled

Well holy shit. Before I thought that dude on Reddit with his theory about how everything was Bran’s fault due his trying to change the past was off base. But after the scene with young Ned and now Hodor.....He might be on to something. Will we see Bran whispering in the Mad King’s ear I wonder?

Yeah, his performance was great and none of the issues with those movies had anything to do with him. He definitely got shafted by Sony’s incompetence. I really enjoyed Tom Holland in Civil War though, his Spidey, Rudd’s Ant-Man, and Bosewick’s Black Panther were all stand out performances. Holland and Rudd both

A truly excellent Sopranos episode.

Starred for the Sopranos reference. That was one of my favorite episodes, I always wondered what happened to him.

As I watched the hair cutting scene I was wondering if Kit had been playing tough with the showrunners. I imagined them pleading with him to come back, that it was the word from GRRM himself, that there would be no show without him, and Kit just playing it cool and laying a pair of scissors on the table and saying

Is there a reason you're being an ass? I was asking a question. That percentage just doesn't seem to be a widespread outbreak or a disproportionately high number, both of which would be necessary to meet the qualification of an epidemic.

Yes, I just didn't realize that something that only 0.00082% of the population contracts qualified as one.

So, 82 in 100,000 is an epidemic?

In the books she is able to produce “glamours” that can mask a persons true identity. They are tied to an object, usually one of significance to the person being impersonated.

Edit, sorry I misread that as Cap 3, not 2. My mistake.


You realize you write like a serial killer, right?

I’ve not played Diablo, so yeah, no idea what just happened there. Just a dude running in circles while shit went down.

Well, he didn’t heat treat it or anything. Plus, forging things is fun! Melting metal in a crucible is also fun, but there’s just something satisfying about hitting a piece of red hot metal with a hammer until it becomes what you want it to be.

Thanks for sharing that, I hadn’t heard of it before. Certainly different from The Martian, but it makes a kind of sense based on some of the themes from it.

Yeah, Armada sucked. I hope Cline can get out of his one trick pony phase, or at least find a way to recapture the magic in the inevitable Ready Player Two. I try not to hate on the guy too much though because I loved the shit out of RPO when I first read it.