
It’s by no means great literature, but damned if it isn’t fun as hell, especially for a child of the eighties like myself. The audiobook is especially good as it’s narrated by Wil Wheaton and gets a little meta in parts. Sure, it has some flaws, but they were easily overlooked due to the fun factor. Unfortunately

Oh man....This poor guy. Hearing his voice just makes me sad(der). I mean, I’m a nerd, I like swords and knives and sci-fi and and comics and video games and have an encyclopedic knowledge of some of those things, but I guess I got lucky. I could stand to lose a few pounds, but it’s mostly beer weight. But having

Definitely my fav Elder Scrolls game. So many little magic moments in it that Skyrim, as good as it was, never quite matched for me. The village where everyone had been turned invisible, the “Clue” style murder mystery, the unicorn you could find, all of that was awesome. LOL, and stacking to get 100% chameleon armor

I don’t miss him at all. Something about the guy just bugs me, but it could just be the roles he’s cast in. He was a dick in the X-Men films and he was a dick in Superman Returns. I suppose the same applies to Sophie Turner. Granted I don’t hate TV Sansa like I hate book Sansa, but I just don’t see her as Jean Grey.

Tony is best known for creating movie props and for the web series “Man at Arms.” Creating fantasy blades is what he does for a living. It might be impractical but he is an excellent smith and craftsman.

Man, that thing is beautiful. It’s good to see some more of Tony’s work! The BKS guys are awesome too but sometimes I miss him on Man at Arms.

It's sad to see the negativity directed at this. It's not like the guy is working with expensive or fancy tools trying to create the worlds greatest axe. Smithing can be an extremely fun and satisfying hobby. I have my own little forge and can attest that a great deal of of hard work can be put into creating something

The Dresden Files make for some pretty good Urban Fantasy. While the series starts off based primarily in Chicago it eventually becomes global in scale. They’re fun reads, especially after book 3 or so, give them a shot if you’re so inclined.

Wholeheartedly agree. I enjoyed Batman Begins, but TDK was a terrible Batman flick. A decent Joker film, sure, but not a good Batman story. And the third one was nearly unwatchable. My girlfriend fell asleep in it and I almost walked out after the prison scene, but I didn’t want to wake her.

Damn, this is straight out of Ready Player One.

Does everything in Michigan suck?

I’m a long time Broncos fan and I watched the game with a good friend who is a diehard Pats fan. Most of the time when we do this there is a good bit of smack being talked. Not tonight though, it really was a hell of a game.

I’ve always found Steelers fans to be the worst.

Whore ads!

I keep trying to like Apple News, but I usually just go to Flipboard. Really, I want Zite back. Zite was the best.

That was kinda the point. It’s what made it a great film. Seriously fucked up, but great.

What kind of universal remotes have you tried? I ask because in my experience the opposite of what you describe is true. For example, in my house I have an MX-450 by URC and it works great. It currently controls a cable box, my tv, an Apple TV, Yamaha receiver/amp, and my custom built HTPC via a FLIRC IR receiver so I

How is Lemon’s comment any more offensive than Cooper’s “rockin’ bod” comment?

Now playing

Oh, who gives a fuck? Lemon is a professional jackass and Griffin is a female Pauly Shore. Hell, it’s about the only compliment I think one could give to Kathy Griffin. Also, reminds me of this:
