
You know, I'm usually cracking up while reading BCO because most of the stories feature people who are comically moronic. But the people in today's stories have me a little angry. Seriously, fuck these people.

So, is this only going to be a play? As in a live theratrical performance? Or will this be a book? I’m hoping for book.

The Freddy Kruger in that vid is welcome to haunt my dreams anytime she likes.

Hah, really!?

No doubt. I love the idea of a $35 Connect-style device.

You wouldn't connect this to speakers, but to an audio receiver/receiver amp combo. The amp would then power your speakers. This thing is only a source.

More of an assault and battery plant.

A Frasier reference!

Whelp, sounds like the second one is shaping up to be just as much of a nonsensical mess as the first, even in pre-production! Prometheus dashed my high hopes so unexpectedly hard that I'm not even going to try to hope that this film won't suck. Well played Mr Scott.

Ok, I got one. Definitely not my finest moment but hell, I was 18.

People still do that?

Of course not. Like any museum its prupose was to preserve a little bit of history. It was filled with phones that were rare, prototypical, or milestones, not a bunch of Wal-Mart phones. You suck at this.

I straddle the agnostic/atheist line, but I kinda have to agree. It's the fervent atheists that drive me just as crazy as the insanely religious. I'm always baffled whenever an atheist treats atheism as a religion unto itself. How do people get so worked up about NOT believing in something?

Do we still get a Monday morning BCO?

Yeah, it's almost like some sort of Joker gun.

Agreed. I'm looking to replace an aging Roku and a 2nd gen Apple TV that only gets used for AirPlay. I don't want to have to do any hacky crap either to get it to work.

As long they'll finally let Plex onto it I'll buy one.

Kinda sounds like the “lobstrosities” from the Dark Tower series that tore Roland a new one.

Hate all you want, I love mine. While working I've destroyed many sets of wired headphones but these things keep chugging. The battery lasts for several days, they're sweat-proof, and the pair I have has been working daily for nearly two years. You think they're stupid? That's fine with me.

From now on, I will refer to the awful month of August as “demonfart”. And fuck that stupid ketchup bitch. Had that been me she'd have left wearing a good 5 bucks worth of the stuff, on the house.