
Yup. And chocolate milk. I’m sorry, we’re all out of chocolate syrup.”

Sometimes, but mainly with brunch specials.

Well hello, neighbor. I live in Greenville as well, and yes, it’s a very nice little city. I’ve moved away a few times over the years but I always wind up back here because of the people.

Glad Sky High made the list. No Robocop though?

Oh man, I remember that well. Wig all Bioware games I always play through twice. First time through as the “good guy” and second time as an absolute prick. But yeah, having the wookie kill Mission bothered me. So did committing absolute genocide not once, but twice in the first M.E. And the renegade choice for Moridin

I caught the bug for smithing recently myself. I built a little forge and ground an anvil out of some railroad track. I suck at it compared to these guys, but it's a ton of fun and I've hammered out a couple of passable knives. Check out the Modern Blacksmith on YouTube for some tips on how to get started on the

If I remeber correctly, Spike, the mini-deathclaw from hell will come wreck your shit.

I stand corrected.

Made for, not by.

In other news, coffee is hot.

This looks like a product designed for those dipshits who blame the GPS when they drive into a lake.


This must be how they do the “break away” philly cheese steak meat that some distributers sell to restaurants. They come frozen, and look a hell of a lot like ribeyes. But throw them on a flat top for a minute or two per side and give them a few whacks with a metal spatula and they break apart into some absolutely

So......Apple built Zite? All kidding aside though it looks pretty nice. Even though Flipboard has improved greatly I've been waiting for the axe to drop on my beloved Zite. This looks like it could be a worthy replacement.

I wonder how my 760 will run this game? I have zero issues with GTA V on very high at 1080, and The Witcher runs pretty good as well. Still, I wish I had waited a few months before replacing my old 6850 and held out for a 970 instead.

WTF are you talking about? Dude grabbed her breasts, got pushed, then grabbed her ass and got smacked, then came back for a third, and by this point, clearly unsolicited grope and got his ass beat down. I think that qualifies as violent and invasive. No, it’s not on the same page as rape, but it’s in the same book and

Thanks for adding “whack-force” to my lexicon! I will totally be using that measurement in the future.

yeah, you just don't do that. I waited tables at a Chilis when I was 18-19 and a table did that. They got all butthurt when I asked them to take the baby to the restroom. Now I'm 35 and my son is a year and a half old. I can't imagine ever being so disrespectful as to change him on a table in the dining area. Of

Truth. Long ago, during my short stint as a delivery driver I had regulars who would invite me in for a bong hit or two and still tip well. Then again, all I really did as a delivery driver was ride around and get baked.