
This looks sweet! I wonder what the team size is for the hunters? Also, they had better come up with some way to disable the chat features for CELL guys who get taken out stealthily. If not, the whole experience could easily be ruined. I can imagine getting really pissed if I took the time to stalk and stealth kill

Um genius. Pricey, but genius.

I have a 3rd gen iPad. The apps I use most frequently are these:

THANK YOU! That's exactly how I feel. The Dark Knight wasn't a bad movie, it was a bad BATMAN movie. TDKR however, was garbage. It made about as much sense as Prometheus, and still managed to be twice as long and more boring. I really do like Batman Begins though.

Hey, dipshit, what is it about me not liking this movie that has you so worked up? Was it because I was able to offer detailed criticism of things I found lacking or because I didn't go "OMFG Batman AWESOME!" like you seemed to? Just curious?

I'm well aware that it was a work of fiction, I just thought it was an exceptionally poor one. In the future, I'll be sure to run all my comments by you for approval. Asshat.

Looks neat, but I subscribe to Alton Brown's philosophy regarding kitchen tools: no uni-taskers. And though the link states that it disassembles for cleaning it looks like there may still be places for plenty of funk to hide.

Yeah, pretty much. Ugh, shitty movie.

Thank you both, TDKR was god-awful. The prison scene stupid and boring. MAJOR SPOILER !!!!!

Reading through the threaded replies (at least, I think that's how this craptacular new system works) to this post just makes me miss stars and hearts even more. That one would've earned a heart click.

Dear god man, what kind of gas do you get?

Sounds like when I write a resume...............

The first pic looks just like a Lumia 900.

A little late to the party on this one, Giz. It's been out for a while. Great documentary though.

Adjust the bass and let the Alpine blast..................Love this song!

I might find those amusing if I didn't hate the damn movie so much.

It depends. On my MBP I have a 250GB drive with about 140GB free. In my recently built HTPC I have 1.5TB with only about 120GB left. I'm drive shopping right now for several more TBs of storage because I still have hundreds of DVDs left to rip. And I'm being conservative, my Blu-Ray drive isn't even installed yet and

Stock Android, or should I say a custom AOSP ROM with a few goodies baked in. Even if you don't choose to go that route I would still say stock Android, mainly because most of the features of any of these skins can be replicated with third party launchers, widgets, and apps. Many of these are faster, smoother, and

Same here. I'm 32, and my eighth grade music teacher introduced me to the series. I look forward to the sense of closure, but These books have been with me for about two-thirds of my life. It'll be hard to say goodbye.