Nice reference! Can't wait for January! As saddened as I was by Jordan's passing, I really like the flavor Sanderson has brought to the series. Mat still feels a little off to me, but at least Perrin isn't such a whiny, brooding bore anymore.
Nice reference! Can't wait for January! As saddened as I was by Jordan's passing, I really like the flavor Sanderson has brought to the series. Mat still feels a little off to me, but at least Perrin isn't such a whiny, brooding bore anymore.
Um, what the hell was that? It looked like a low budget hip-hop video with a few still shots of an RC quad copter thrown in.
+1 to you as well. Thinking of it as an Alien prequel, I overlooked the contamination aspect and focused on the self preservation side. Other issues:
I could not have said it better. For me, the idiocy started when every one woke up on the ship with no idea of the nature of the mission. Who signs a minimum of four years away with no clue as to what they'll be doing? Why take your helmet off just because the air is technically breathable? Do none of the scientists…
No, he's right. Prometheus was garbage.
Ugh, seriously, who cares? This film was utter garbage. It had the visuals of a summer blockbuster and the writing and acting of a Lifetime Movie of the Week. The only things worth watching were the surgery scene and the last shot. I can't remember the last time I've felt so let down by a movie I was really excited…
I've been rocking ICS since December, I think, and it's a great OS. My phone is a Nexus, so it's stock and without a custom manufacturer skin. True, widgets can have an effect on performance, but i use them sparingly. I usually have Beautiful Widgets for a clock/weather widget, and APW for Contacts and Calendar. I…
Anything. While you usually have the option to email a file, pic, or video from whatever app you're using to view it, you can't do that from the Mail app itself. If you start composing an email in Mail, then try to attach something to it, you can't. You have to stop, copy your text, go find what you wanted to send,…
I saw it last night and was severely disappointed. The visuals were stunning, and the surgery scene was great, but the story was awful. Dumbest damn group of scientists I've ever seen.
That, and the ability to attach a file directly through the mail app. I've been able to do it on my phone ever since I had a G1, and every time I try on my iPad it makes me want to beat my head against a wall.
Yeah, it's getting a little long in the tooth, but it's my third Android phone, and I'm not sure I'm getting another. An iPhone 4 (with remarkably similar specs) makes the stock Nexus look silly and it's almost 3 years old. Thanks god for custom ROMS and xda.
Good article. iOS 6 may finally have what it takes to make me ditch my Android phone. With the exception of my htpc/gaming rig that I built myself, everything else in my house is already Apple so it just kinda makes sense. I still think Android trounces iOS in terms of basic features (why in the hell can I not attach…
Looks fine to me. Plus, if you don't put some sort of case on your iPad then you're taking a really expensive risk. I had a smart cover for my iPad 2, but after getting some scratches on the back I bought a Speck Pixel Skin HD. It was a good case, but lacked the magnet. So I found a diagram of the smart cover magnets…
Ugh, the movie was pretty good, except for every scene with Kristen Stewart. I spent most of those wanting to punch her in her horse teeth and Leno chin, if only to change her expression.
You left off pretty much anywhere in Alaska. I took a trip there a few years back and it was like stepping into a freaking postcard. Spent ten days on a 50 foot sailboat and captured some truly stunning pictures. I have one shot of a coastal tree line that has 17 bald eagles in it.
Great, I just watched a fat kid in sweatpants hump a wall. Thanks, Giz.
But if Jon is AA, would that not also be fire? Fire could be all the Targs banding together to stand against the walkers and the cold.
Not entirely BS, but you may have a point. There are quite a few signs that Jon may actually be Azor Ahai reborn though, and not Stannis. Spoiler Alert!
Yeah, I love the Jon as a Targ theory. Hadn't heard about the twins idea though. Do you have a wiki link for it?
Lemmiwinks came to stomach, dark............