
I say let them on FaceBook......but instead of a cover photo they should get a detailed listing of the crimes they were convicted for and it should be permanent. They make these people knock door to door when they move into a new neighborhood, why not also be forced to announce it to web?

This looks like Capcom and Konami got together to make Resident Evil 2099: MGS cutscene edition.

No, it just doesn't work for the new ATV.

Thanks, I'll give it a shot.

So I followed the instructions for my iPad 3 and and it hangs on "Waiting for process to complete...." then says "oops, something went wrong" and tries to recover. Tips?

Care to elaborate? That sounds interesting.

Yeah, I agree that it started innocently enough. And you're also correct that the problem started when he closed the door. But it was a commercial washer, not a dryer, and those things lock. Had there not been a maintenance guy present that poor kid could have very well died, either from the machine filling with

No worries. It was a worthwhile discussion and an interesting debate.

I don't disagree, accidents happen. But there is a huge difference between an accidental drop and intentionally putting your child into a commercial washer, which is exactly what happened.

Of course I'm not perfect, as I obviously phrased a few things poorly. When I read and posted previously it was late, I'd had a few beers, and I was tired. More so than the video itself was the reactions of several other commenters whose general opinion seemed to be along the lines of " it was an accident" , or "they

Honestly, it sickens me a bit. I've seen a few comments on here defending them and the general theme seems to be " well, they didn't do it on purpose/it was an accident". No, it wasn't. Some dipshit put a baby in a commercial washer. It may be true that said dipshit didn't realize the potential consequences of his

Wait, what? What does "they didn't do it on purpose" mean? You mean dad accidentally put his kid in there? And the fact that it was an "accident" makes it okay? No, they might not be the worst, but they're certainly in the running. Being a moron doesn't excuse the gross neglect of a child in any way.

How the hell was that not intentional? Dad puts kid in a washing machine. That locks. That everyone and their brother knows locks. And if you're dumb enough to mix your children into the goddaamn laundry, you shouldn't have kids.

Wow, I feel like an asshole for laughing at that.

Well, that's easy. NOT DRAGON AGE 2! I want either wealth of characters and stories to choose from (DA:1), or the aability to create and customize a character and story. You know, all those things BioWare nails in every other game that wasn't DA:2. I would also like more than one town to explore and a story that I

Oh, that one fell into the "really obvious twist" section of my rant.

Seriously, fuck M. Night. Every time I see one of his movies I know I'm going to hate it, but I still try and watch it. The trailers are always just good enough to make me think that maybe, just maybe, I can watch this movie and it won't be terrible. That maybe I won't experience a deep hatred for a man I've never met

Thanks for the nightmares.

Wow, I thought that old man was gonna take a swing at that guy for a second. And while I'm generally not a fan of ambushing old people on camera I'm finding it hard to muster up much sympathy for poor old Bob. Not only was he clearly in the wrong, but he was a dick about it too. He acted much more like an insolent

Bravo, sir, bravo!