"Clench up, Legolas"
"Clench up, Legolas"
I seem to remember the Top Gear guys building something similar to what you describe, and it didn't end well. You would most likely have to stay tethered to the ground, well out of any air traffic routes and above property you owned. That's the only way I could see it happening without a whole lot of hassle from the…
I am the CLTS commander!
Eh, I could've done without Hawkeye.
I lol'd.
Never seen derp used as a verb before. I approve.
Don't get me wrong, I think Ed Norton is great. And his Banner/Hulk was way better than Bana's. But mark Ruffalo really knocked this performance out of the park. There's something really special about it; he nails it like RDJ nailed Tony Stark.
You heard wrong. Ruffalo-Hulk kicks the shit out of Norton-Hulk.
Great, now Dead Space sounds like Lost Planet.
Well, it's kinda his own fault for going full-blown retard. You never go full-blown retard.
Ocean Marketing, you're an asshole!
Meh, I still don't get all the Dark Knight love. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad, but if anything it's more of a super-villian film than a super-hero one. I always thought it was a great Joker movie, and an ok Batman one. But the Avengers kicked all kinds of ass. Fun and funny, and hands down my personal favorite on…
I've never been overly fond of math, but I don't suck at it. The basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division I can do in my head and when I go to the grocery store I know generally know the total of whats in my cart, tax included, within a dollar. I also have a rough, unpolished grasp on algebra,…
Really, that was a Giz headline? WTF? I've been trying not to jump on the bandwagon of Gizmodo hate thats been going on but its really difficult not to do so when you guys post shit like this. If the commenters on this site weren't as awesome as they are I would've jumped ship a while back.
Well, with a name like rapeseed, can you blame them?
That is freaking sweet. I am not ashamed in the slightest to admit that those women have way more balls than I do. I am a decent snowboarder, but I cringe to even think about wiping out doing that. Plus, they're really cute. Great vid.
Love that one. It's the wallpaper on my Apple TV.
Sweet little space, I love it. Ive got one those Presonus interfaces too. For the money, those things can't be beat.
And then, "Fuck.....that's not good." Loved it.
Alias? More like AliASS.