Did nobody else notice how he just kinda hung out afterwards, looking all smug and apparently mocking the dude he just freaking stabbed! Wtf?
Did nobody else notice how he just kinda hung out afterwards, looking all smug and apparently mocking the dude he just freaking stabbed! Wtf?
Well, ok......twist my arm....
Mucho gracias amigo! Dinner plans are settled. To the store!
That sounds delicious, but are there any tricks I should know about before attempting this? How dry should they be? Don't wanna get splattered.
Amen to that.
Same here, I get great speeds on T-Mo.
This movie cannot come out soon enough. Every time I see a new trailer or clip my wiener tingles a little and its gonna take an enormous amount of willpower for me not to watch a crappy cam copy next week. Why the hell does this have to come out in Australia first?
Actually, Taco Mac is awesome.
Awesome game. Great soundtrack and it still has my favorite all time scene from any game, ever. Hyrule Castle, under the waves, everything frozen in black and white, then you draw the sword and the color returns and the place comes to life.
Damn, both of you are 100% correct.
Yeah, I heard she was frigid.
It's not a purse, it's European!
Yeah, same here. Although as much as I dig Android on phones, the tablets, and specifically the apps for them, are really gonna have to step it up for me to consider purchasing one. Also, the qualities that I want out of my phone aren't always the same ones I want from a tablet.
I have, its nice.
Every time I see Pinterest I'm reminded that my girlfriend spends more time looking at pictures of scantily clad women online than than I do....
They should have gotten someone else to play Snow White. Not just because she is a terrible actress, but because Charlize Theron is infinitely hotter. I just don't associate Stewarts lifeless eyes and listless expressions with 'great beauty'.
Yeah, guess I did. The whole "you just bought it to look cool" attitude just annoys me. I'm an IT student and I get a lot of shit for owning some Apple gear there too. I just don't get the fanboy mentality. I'm currently on my 3rd Android phone, have an iPad, MacBook Pro, and Apple Tv. I also have a Linux server, Win7…
I did. Got my iPad 2 on launch day last year and it's probably one of the most versatile and useful gadgets I've ever owned. I take notes on it in class and store all of my slides and lab handouts on it. It's great as a secondary reference screen when I'm writing papers so I don't have to juggle a bunch of tabs and…
Why on earth would you flash a new stock image and reroot? The xda guys will probably get their hands on a leaked build a full month or so before it gets pushed out, fix whatever is sure to be wrong with it, probably give you an option for a build without Sense, and write an awesome new battery sipping kernel long…
This article should be titled: "Be the humans, or bored". I mean really, is there any advantage at all to being the monster? It just stomps around and gets shot a lot. Where's the fun in that?