
Though I will probably get mocked for this, I'll admit it; I HATE roughing it. Don't get me wrong, I love outdoor activities. I like to hike, ski, and snowboard. I enjoy just about any lake related activity, and I think disc golf is a blast. However, I loathe camping with every fiber of my being.

Yeah, I rarely have any luck with fullforce or retina pad. I've had a few successes with fullforce, but the only retina pad app I can get to work is the AT&T bill pay app.

What a great way to start my day!

No, he was right. The new iPad has the same dual core CPU, but with a new quad core GPU. The Vita has a quad core CPU.

It's May 4th. As in, "May the 4th be with you".

I don't get tethering from a tablet. Tethering a tablet to a phone I can understand, I do it frequently. But if you're on the road and need to get on the web or check your already have a tablet. Isn't that what they're for?

Ok, is 12-21 Mbps real world speeds or speeds? I have an 18 Mb U-Verse connection at home ( not the fastest in my area, but it beats the hell out of having to deal with Charter ) and while speedtest will usually show speeds in the 16-17 Mbps dept I find that my real world speeds are generally a good bit

That was fantastic.

Read the books, what you get on the show is just the tip of the iceberg. Oh, and it gets much, much worse.

You are all missing the point. That thing is not a real dog, it's an oversized rat.

So Andrew has a tramp stamp of a mini USB port? WTF?

It really just depends on the game for me. I love single player games; Skyrim continues to eat some of my time and I'm gonna start on Kingdoms of Amalur tonight or tomorrow. Im eagerly awaiting Mass Effect 3, and while I'll probably check out the multiplayer component, I don't really care about it. I'll definitely

How on earth did you lose your star for that?

Bourbon, much like bacon, can improve damn near anything. We have a fantastic restaurant in my city that offers a cocktail called "Pig on the Porch". They infuse a regional bourbon with local bacon, add a splash of ginger ale, and garnish it with a homemade pork rind. Ridiculously good.

I thought the same at first, but if you download the trailer and watch in slow-mo, it becomes pretty obvious that its a new suit. Check out his back, if you didn't notice it, his backpacks' got jets.

Yes, it was.

So, if you uploaded a bunch of songs that you obtained illegally, deleted them from your machine, and then downloaded them again, would that make them legal?

Tube sites man, tube sites. In this day and age there should be no reason to actually have to download porn.

My name is Hunter, and this movie is gonna suck.

I'm curious, is the single-playerish chunk of the game reminiscent of past (KOTOR) Bioware games? If so, I'm in. I've thought about picking it up but I generally prefer my RPGs solo.