Balls. That. Clank.
Balls. That. Clank.
Now, go away before I am forced to taunt you a second time!
Yeah, thats how I beat him. You can also decline the biochip and then Typhoon his ass.
namir pissed me off so bad I backtracked out, hacked a turret, and brought it on the elevator with me. Then I tossed it out into the room and ran like hell. I still had to shoot him a few times, but the turret helped out.
I guess it depends where you live. Their coverage is great in my area.
Me too, buddy. I'm a pretty happy T-Mo customer who has been looking at this merger with a big ole frowny face. I did not want to be an ATT customer.....At least not for cell phones. U-Verse is actually a pretty sweet deal where I live and blows the doors off of Charter.
Check my post at the top. I may be able to help you out. Anything for bacon. =)
Damn. I just placed my order for one, but I lucked out and am getting it for $75. I have a buddy that works for a company that handles orders between several large scale manufacturers and retailers, i.e. HP and and Best Buy. They currently have 11,000 in stock with 30,000 more being delivered next week. My friend…
I disagree. Although I own an iPad 2, I have never really felt that I "needed" one. To be perfectly honest, it does nothing that I can't do with either my smartphone or laptop. That being said, I absolutely love it. It's a great device and I use it constantly. Did I "need" one? No. Does it do anything that I couldn't…
I have that app on my phone. Love it.
You can still use Command-Tab. I'm running Lion and it works just fine.
Gah! Does that damn Facebook plugin box block half the article for the rest of you guys? How do I make it go away?
Yeah, I can't believe I just watched that.
Me too. I tether my iPad 2 to my Nexus S and my home internet sucks balls so I use it there some too. I even played xbox live through it a few times. T-Mo throttles me some some but they dont really seem to care. I get one text notification a month saying they're gonna slow it down a bit but I honestly don't notice…
I nearly destroyed a Wii remote in a similar scenario. The main difference was that I bowled nothing but strikes until the third frame of the 10th. The last roll was a nine and I flipped out. It was the first time since I was a kid playing Street Fighter 2 in my SNES that I have ever hurled a controller across the…
Yeah, that last pic in the slideshow just gave me a horrible flashback. I was in the same boat you were in and after about a weeks worth of incredibly frustrating evenings I finally got that SOB. I'm looking forward to the remake though. That was a pretty sweet game.
Just got out of the midnight showing and I must say that it was a good bit more graphic and brutal than I expected. There is a lot of death and one guy gets put through an aircraft propeller and emerges as red mist. Overall though its a fun (and funny) flick. It is by no means a gore fest, just a little more graphic…
It's a 3G. Those start at $629.
If this were Living Social you might be right. I can't help but feel that my XBL friends list would rapidly depopulate if I were to start slinging ads from Coke and Toyota.
If I sent ads to my friends they wouldn't be my friends.