
I just hope that seven books actually get published. Next month we'll finally get book five, but Martin is old and he's already said that he won't allow the books to be finished by anyone else. As good as this show is I can't help but feel that it may be detracting from him finishing the series. Maybe he'll take a cue

Not for $85. I'll just stick to lounging around the house in basketball shorts and throwing on jeans when I need to go out.

Going commando while playing Commando?

VOTE: Vuze

Another Obidiah Parker fan! Awesome, I love that cover!

There was a blog a few years ago that did a little humor piece on who would win a fight between Superman and Thor. He summed it up by likening it to a bar fight: Who would you pick, really huge guy or slightly less huge guy with a freaking hammer?

I disagree. To me this sounds like some classic "good ole boy" lawsuit to snuff out the competition. These three companies appear to have dominated the plastic bag market and now an upstart company with a different approach has put a dent in their bottom line. The phrase "irreparable harm to their business model"

Read "Next", by Michael Crichton, or at least Google it and read the summary. It's all about gene patents and it is really, really, eff'd up.

Is his name Anthony?

Oh man, I hope they make a third season. The Red Wedding will have people marching on HBO headquarters with pitchforks and torches.

Yeah, this is one of the few series where "bad guy" is a very relative term. With the exceptions of Cersei and Joff, there is a dichotomy to all the other characters. It's all one big power struggle. The Starks can be as foolish as the Lannisters are ruthless. I hope the show inspires more people to read the books.

I'm with you. I loved the KOTOR games but I don't play MMOs. I'm sure there are plenty of good ones but I just don't have it in me to commit to something like that. I enjoy playing shooters online, but not RPGs. Oh well, I still have Skyrim to look forward to.

boiled over hard, with your finest jelly beans................raw.

Both are nice. I still prefer Handcent though. Go seems to be a little less stable at times.

IMHO, anyone who sexually abuses children shouldn't have any rights, period. As far as I'm concerned, if a person can't control their impulses and come to grips with the fact it is not okay to fuck kids, ever, that person should be taken out.

He also has a great role in Thank You for Smoking.

I purchased my iPad 2 from Best Buy on launch day and the experience was a mess. I had called around to to several locations early in the afternoon to figure out the line conditions. The Apple store had a huge line, several other retailers had limited stock, but BB told me "come on out, we have set up an area for iPad

I can't be the only one who caught that............

I just said this a few posts up, but I'll repeat. I chucked one off Caesar's Head in SC and it flew pretty much out of sight. Those things will go for a long, long way.