Stochastic Fats

It’s just luck that her lies didn’t get any black men in that town arrested, beaten, or killed before it was revealed to be a hoax.

Obama on vacation is still a better and more important leader than John fucking Kasich, and he’s 12th.

This is outstanding work

Wait. Wait. You think this ongoing discussion about baseball’s “unwritten rules” and policing joy has nothing to do with race?

No matter how much old white men scream and protest, eventually young people and people of color will save them from themselves.

That motherfucking Vitamin C “Graduation” song came out the year I graduated from high school and I hate it with the burning rage of a thousand angry Gods.

I hope that, someday, you come to fully understand what a stupid thing this is to say, and become a better person because of it.

The only thing worse than being this petty is being this petty on Twitter. Not only is Jonah the best baseball writer around, but he’s also ridiculously nice, and has said nothing but great things about Simmons, a man who clearly didn’t deserve to have those nice things said about him.

Bless you for this

So how long before Olivia Nuzzi writes a glowing piece about Tomi Lahren and then defends it by basically saying “Gotta hear both sides”? Three months?

“You wear a disguise to look like human guys...”

Purely from an animation standpoint, that baboon chase is probably the best scene in any of the Disney renaissance films. Also, Minnie Driver was GREAT as Jane.

I’d argue Tarzan is underappreciated. The animation was way ahead of its time. I’m still amazed by the way they designed his movements, particularly the way he “skates” on vines and the way he finds creative ways to compensate for the fact that he’s not as physically gifted as the gorillas. I could watch that movie on

Le Batard was great on this topic today, so naturally it made a lot of listeners really mad. NBA players don’t owe us shit.

ANGELA: “And THEN this motherfucker Trump said...”

I’m in my mid-thirties, I’ve lived in New York my entire life, and I’ve never seen any hint of SantaCon. St. Patrick’s Day, on the other hand, is the day where drunk white people stop me on the street, insist that I’m either a rapper or a basketball player that they like, and then hurl racial slurs at me and laugh

When he isn’t being an asshole, Sale is so much damn fun to watch. Now that I’m thinking about it, what pitcher is the most fun to watch right now? Yu Darvish has to be high on the list, and the Mets have about 87 pitchers who would be in the conversation if they could ever stay healthy.

This is an outstanding comment that deserves all the stars we have to give

Christ, there was so much “Look, I get that this is bad, but it’s their fault because...” going on.